Friday, December 3, 2010

SEVEN Swans a Swimming......(well, Ok...TWO then!)

We have snow now here in the U.P. (Upper Peninsula) of Michigan.

But, I still had autumn photos to show you!!

In fact, I haven't even gotten out to take any winter photos for you yet!
(I'm slacking!)

But hopefully, the photos today will please you
get you in the Christmas Spirit..

Now all together now...
let's sing the Twelve Days of Christmas together, okay?

Go ahead.


I'll catch up to you when you get to...............

SEVEN Swans a Swimming!!!


I lied.

I only have TWO swans a swimming for you today...
they are such beautiful creatures when you find them in the wild...

We drove out to a pond I jokingly refer to as our "secret pond" with my husband.

He had just said..."we probably won't see anything today, because most of the ducks have already migrated out of here. It is too late in the season".

We rounded the corner and something white caught BOTH of our eyes.

He stopped the truck so I could walk in closer,
just in case there was something on the pond.

Imagine my thrill, when I saw
not just ONE
but TWO
gorgeous swans swimming and eating by a beaver hut!

My heart nearly stopped while shooting these. I was so afraid they'd see me and fly away:

Do you know what kind of swans they are?

You can read about them HERE.

I was very happy that they were close enough to get with my 300mm lens!

They are so elegant and graceful!:

I want one for my bathtub.
Oh, wait. I don't HAVE a bathtub.
Wonder if he'd like it in the shower?:

They are even dramatic in black and white:

I could've watched them ALL DAY!:

They did look my way and noticed me.

I sucked in my breath.

They ignored that.  (They must have thought it was the wind).

(thank goodness).

Besides.  I think they were more hungry than worried about me:

One of them stepped on top of a log so we could see his entire self.
As suspected, his entire self
was gorgeous.
Such a showoff.
But, who could blame him?:

I bet they were named King and Queen
at the Homecoming Dance:
They mate for life.
Did you know that?

You can bet that I will be back there
next spring
to see
if I can catch
their beautiful babies.....

I might've scared them away
with all
that baby talk...

Didn't mean to pressure them.


Who am I kidding?

Yes, I did:

Let's leave them alone for a while...

They need some privacy.

After all, how ELSE am I gonna get
SEVEN swans a swimming????


  1. You silly lady, you! It's seven swans a swimming!
    Lovely photos!

  2. ah...beautiful swans...have had a thing for them since my wife danced in swan lake...

  3. You are was Twelve ladies dancing. OOPS...I revised the post. thanks for keeping me straight where did I put those five golden rings???

  4. they are lovely, lovely, lovely. i have never seen them in the wild, only in parks and gardens here. i just might be a little upset with you about the SONG. just seeing the words put the tune in my head and now i will be humming it for days. great post

  5. Beautiful. Now I am singing the 12 days of Christmas. I hope they have enough food for the long winter. Can't wait to see the babies too!

  6. You again made me smile and yes I am in the holiday spirit when outside of work. And I don't care if you lied or not. The pictures are sooooo worth the little untruths. Giggle

  7. Beautiful. Thanks for putting such loveliness in my day!

  8. There is just something about swans that calms the soul. As my sister was on her death bed and drifing in and out, she would awaken and share that she saw the swans again. She said they were absolutely beautiful. Unaware to her; she helped to calm our anxious hearts.

  9. Well you've got me humming The Twelve Days of Christmas too, it is a really contagious song! But at least you got that other song out of my head. LOL!

    Love your shots of the Trumpeter swans, they are gorgeous.

  10. Hi Joan, I was looking for the 6 Geese A-layin..... And the 5 Golden rings... Where were they????? ha ha ha

    Great pictures of the swans!!!!

  11. Jingle bells, Jingle bells....

    (I don't WANT to be stuck with the Lords, Ladies, Maids, Pipers, Swans, or Calling Birds piping, dancing, milking, swimming, or leaping around in my head for the Next 12 Days til Christmas!)

    ...Oh, what fun it is to ride in a partridge pear tree.... I'm doomed!

    (Beautiful birds, the swans)

  12. You just gotta love swans! They are so graceful and photogenic...

  13. The birds are too big, you may not need a 300mm lens.


  14. They are such a beautiful creature. Thanks for sharing them with us!

  15. You were so lucky to get them and they did act indifferent to you. Beautiful shots.

  16. We drove down to a good Swan migration spot, but it was a bust. What a treat you had.

  17. They are beautiful Trumpeter Swans..I took a photo just before the ice covered one of the lakes..I never counted the darn things..guess I will have to do that! ..I hope there are seven! :)


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