Wednesday, December 1, 2010

HERE They Are!! November's FREE PHOTO CONTEST Entries....Theme: CLOUDS!! OH..and the announcement of December's theme too!!

For those of you new to my blog....

For the past year, I have been hosting a monthly 
my blog.

November's theme was:


And MY oh MY!!!  

We got so many wonderful entries.

So, its time now to put your feet up, cover yourself with a comforter, sip your coffee

(or hot chocolate, or beer, or wine...whatever floats your boat!)

Savor each and every one of these beautiful cloud photos entered:

This one is from Squirrel Queen.  She has two blogs. One is called: "The Road to Here" and the other one is called: "Through Squirrel Eyes".

This one is from Cris.  She has two blogs. One is called: "Here, There and Everywhere"and the other one is called: "Cris Crossing the Globe"

This one is from Connie. Her blog is called: "Far Side of Fifty Photos".

 This one if from Pat.T.  His blog is called: "Extremely Overdue".

This one is from Cherie. She does not have a blog.

This one is from DJan. She has two blogs. One is called: "D-Janity" and the other one is called: "Eye on the Edge".

This one is from Larry B.  He has two blogs. One is called: "Larry's Creative Zone" and the other one is called: "Larry's Photo a Day".

This one is from Linda. Her blog is called: "Linda's Letters".

This one is from Grannyann. Her blog is called: "Ann Tucker's Blog".

This one is from Curtis T. His blog is called: "That Sneaker Wearing Entrepreneurial Cartoonist Internet Guy".

This one is from Arti. Her blog is called: "My Yatra Diary".

This one is from Eva. Her blog is called: "Wrestling with Retirement".

This one is from MadSnapper. Her blog is called: "Madsnapper".

This one is from Sharon. Her blog is called: "Sharon's Paws Create".

This one is from J.J. Her blog is called:"The World According to L.A."


YOU do NOT see it amongst the ones above,
PLEASE let me know no later than FRIDAY.

Did I not WARN you they would be fantastic?????

Didn't that help you with your holiday stress???
(I know it did MINE!)

the judges have their work cut out for them!!

I have a question for you all (before I announce the December theme).

Do you want me to continue this monthly contest for 2011?
(Sometimes the entries are less than ten, so I am wondering if interest is down?)
Secondly, should I change some of the rules for 2011???

For instance...should I limit winning to two times a year, or let someone win as many times as they are chosen by the judges?

Any other rules you think I should ADD or DROP ???

During the month of December, I will leave this open to you, my decide...
either comment on my blog or e-mail me with your thoughts....
And now.....
December 2010's theme:


Enter your favorite photo that depicts Nostalgia
no later than midnight on  Dec. 31, 2010

You DON'T have to be a blogger to enter.


  1. Yes! Please continue! I might even have the guts to enter a photo from time to time.

    By the way, the photo from Linda's Letters is terrific and scary. Looks like you can reach up and touch that oncoming storm!

  2. These are all wonderful shots! I wouldn't want to have to be a judge!

  3. Wow. Good luck to the judges!
    I just like entering. I like the challenge of taking photos for a specific purpose and/or selecting the one to enter. I have been a double winner, so I guess I agree that limiting the number of wins is a good idea, but I would still like to enter. If the judges like the photo of a previous winner, maybe they could have an "honorable mention for previous winners".
    I know you are an amazing photographer, and you publish many beautiful photos. You need to ask yourself if this contest is something you still want to do.
    Nostalgia is a great theme for December. I'll have to really think about that.

  4. Great entries this month! I guess it is up to you..after all it is your contest and your blog! Now for my 2 cents worth..The numbers are going to wane with the waterfalls..I think that is normal for most photo challenges. People get busy or they forget. I really don't care who wins..I think it is being able to see different photographs from all with the cloud photos ..where were they taken is interesting to me. Perhaps if someone that is a regular..and doesn't post a photo one month you could ask them to be an extra judge:)

  5. loved every one of these, i am new so don't have any thing i want to say right now. will think about it and come back. i also want to visit some of the site and see other photos. i don't know how i would pick a winner

  6. They are all beautiful photos. I hope you continue the photo contest. I love to see all the wonderful entries.

  7. Yes, please do continue, and I think anybody who gets the nod should win as often as they win. It's likely that many of the winners would win more than once because they are so GOOD. And I would hate to have to choose the winner on this one.

    If you get ten entries, it's a real contest, so if I were you, I wouldn't change a thing!

  8. wow these are all great but the icicles stole my heart right from the beginning...

  9. I think these are some of the best photos yet!

    I think you should continue the contest. Maybe with different categories (film camera, digital, SLR, etc.)?

  10. Madsnapper is a good friend of mine, Joan... She takes great pictures...

    There are alot of good ones this time... I love Pat Tillett's.---but he's a friend also....ha

    JJ's is good and so is Linda (Linda's Letters)... Good Luck to the judges.

  11. Wow, what an amazing batch of clouds, I love them all. I hope you will continue with the contest, but only if you are enjoying it. Probably some months there will be less entries because of the topic. The more difficult the subject the harder we have to work, it's a great photography exercise.

  12. I think the contest is really fun! I agree with limiting wins, but love Linda's idea of honoring multiple-time winners with mentions.

  13. I loved SQ's icicles and the beautiful scene from far side of fifty. Yes, definitely continue with the contest. It's been fun participating for a couple months. And I wouldn't really care how many times the same person wins. It's just fun playing.

  14. Beautiful Photos!! :-)

    I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)


  15. I enjoy seeing the photos, and entering once in a while. If it's getting to be a drag, maybe take a break. But I agree with those who say that if you still enjoy it, I hope you continue.

  16. I would want you to continue the contest... Its a fascinating, I love it!!
    All the pics are beautiful... This collection is one of my favorites!!

  17. Art is so subjective and if one person keeps winning because they have the knack to catch the judges eye. so be it. I really don't care that I win as much as I like to participate. My camera accidentally pulls off a good one once in a while and I am proud of it and just like to share it. If I don't post one on a certain month, I am not a sore loser, I am just old and forgetful. I really appreciate what you do and I learn from seeing others photographs.

  18. keep up the contest if you have the time. The pics are great this month.

  19. WOW!!! Those are all gorgeous, no way mine will be chosen! I'm now thinking I should have with my second option which included treetops so you could tell those clouds were the reflection off a lake... :p oh well, live and learn!

    I'm just happy I was finally able to get my act together and participate!

    All these photos remind us of why we like to spend hours just looking up at the clouds... it's so relaxing!

    And yes PLEASE keep doing this in 2011!

    As for rules changes... I'd say have each person include a sentence about their photo, might enrich the narrative and tell us more about where the photo was taken (I know I've been really curious about previous photos!) I also agree with Linda Reader on perhaps 2 wins a year tops to spread the love, but if the judges first choice were to fall on someone who had already won twice then an "honorable mention". :o)

    Gorgeous! Thanks for doing this!

    Now it's time to think about nostalgia... hard one!

  20. I'm fairly new and love these photos! I hope you continue the contest if you are willing. I might even enter sometimes. As for limiting wins, I think a winner is a winner and would probably say let them win. But I guess if the same person won all the time, it might get old. I don't have the history to go by...but I agree with others that just seeing the photos is the main thing. Lots of unsung talent out there!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: