Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sunrise, Sunset...and a Deer and Barn! A kalideoscope of photos.

One day, I was heading out on a nine hour trip
to attend a good friend's son's wedding downstate.

As I pulled out on the highway right beside my little town,
THIS was the morning's sunrise!:

The highway is to your left on this shot:

It only stayed this intense for about five minutes.
I was so happy to see it.

I embarked on the road trip farther.
I had to pick up two girlfriends who were driving down in the car with me.

Needless to say, there was plenty of laughter in the car during that long, long trip.

We were so looking forward to the mini-reunion where even more friends
were going to be at the wedding.

I figured it was a great omen to start the trip with that beautiful sunrise.
A promise of good times to come.

And then, we finally got to her house by sunset.

And THIS greeted us:
Almost identical, intense colors,
only that was the sunset.


And yes, we had a GREAT time.

One should rely more on omens. Don't you think???

On one of our treks out in the woods after getting back from the wedding,
I saw a neat old, falling apart house.  I had to take it in black and white:

It looks a bit breezy!

From Nov. 15th to Nov. 30th here, it is firearm deer season.

About a month ago, we saw this beauty in the woods.
She just stood there and posed.

I hope she is wiser now, and still safe:

I know many deer would starve to death if they didn't allow hunting up here.
And I even like venison sausage...
but I can't bear to think of killing one.

If it was up to me, I couldn't do it.

I know it is hypocritical of me to think both ways (liking venison yet not being able to kill one).
I eat meat, but could never slaughter an animal either.

I try not to think of it as I am grilling a juicy T-bone on the grill or frying up bacon.

Let's move on, shall we?

I'm getting guilty and hungry at the same time. LOL


Here is that same abandoned farmhouse, now done is Sepia.  Isn't it fun to play around with your shots?:

May you get to play a bit today.

It is essential.

And it helps with that guilt thing.

Don't forget to enter the montly FREE PHOTO CONTEST!!
This month's theme is:


Enter no later than midnight on Nov. 30, 2010
following THESE RULES.*
*You CAN use a picture you have published before on your blog.


  1. what beauty...those skies are gorgeous...the olf barn is so cold...but so cool...

  2. you outdid your self today. love the dear photos, precious. and the sunrise and sunset are awesome. what a wonderful trip, all that beauty and friends and laughter, nothing could be better.

  3. My, my that's a really intense sunrise and sunset Joan, I've seen similar at the beach in Alexandria, Egypt. Too amazing.

  4. Beautiful sunrise pictures. Michigan has by far the BEST sunrises!!

  5. Great pics - love the deer looking over her shoulder.

  6. Your "omen skies" are amazing with those intense, vibrant colors! The old house and trees must have a pretty intense bond as well. Cute, cute deer (I understand your guilt; it's okay!)

  7. Beautiful photos Joan!
    I hope the deer manages to avoid the hunters...

  8. Those sunrise and sunset photos are just amazing. Breath-taking I should say.

  9. That first shot! Wow! They are all wonderful, but that one took my breath away!

  10. It makes getting up early worthwhile! I love that first old home photo, especially.

  11. Amazing sunrise and sunset pictures! Wow!

  12. Fabulous sunrise/sunset photos, and so much better so because you got to experience them.

  13. oh, that first sunrise is so very beautiful, i do not think i have seen one more spectacular! love the deer shots. i don't eat deer meat and certainly could not kill one either. one good wind and that poor old house will fall apart. i see one similar on my way to kentucky. always wanted to get out and photograph it....jill

  14. More gorgeous pictures from Northern Michigan... I have mixed feelings just like you do about hunting... I love to eat --but couldn't kill one myself.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  15. Amazing skies, I especially love your first photo. The deer are so beautiful and those barns are great. I love the monotone shots.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hope you and your family have a wonderful day.

  16. What a way to begin and end a day! Just perfect! I hope you ladies had the best time together!

    She is an adorable deer. Lovely pictures of such a sweet girl.

    Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving, Joan : )


  17. Great sunrise..beautiful start to a perfect day!:)

  18. Beautiful pics as usual and as for Bambi. I want to cry every time I think of someone shooting a deer.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: