Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sturgeon River Gorge and some ducks!

Back out in the autumn woods today....
some photos taken before we got our dusting of snow!

Although the lighting was bad
and made the pond shimmer,
I still wanted to capture
these ducks playing in the sun:

We took a ride to a place we haven't been in a long while...

Sturgeon River Gorge.

It is a gorge over looking a long, winding rive
and for our part of the country, it is a pretty deep gorge.

Of course, the minute I got there, I wished we had gotten the photos when the leaves
were in full color.
So, I put a mental note to remember to do it NEXT year.

But it was still remarkably pretty.

I loved how the trees looked like little dustmops over the now golden forest floor:

See the river, far below?:

Looking through the trees at the hills and wilderness beyond:

Love, love, LOVE this spot!:

No civilization for miles and miles!:

We will definitely return here for some spring and fall photos...
maybe we will see some eagles soaring....

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!


  1. love that view through the trees and i can see why they call it a gorge. and for me the no civiliazation for miles and miles is wonderful. the ducks look so happy in the diamond glitter water.

  2. There are some very interesting places to go take photos in your neck of da woods!! I can't remember if we've ever been there or not!

  3. It's really beautiful. And I am also thankful for your pictures, your blog, and most of all, YOU! Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Just my kind of place, Joan... You know how much George and I love gorges... Yours looks fabulous!!!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. I'm thankful that I found your blog and get to see such gorgeous photos on a regular basis!

  6. wow. that is a great spot...would love to pitch my tent and stay a while...

  7. Beautiful photos and place. Hubby and I love hiking in the woods and gorge, we have a gorge not far from us called Spencer gorge its beautiful, has lovely water falls, we to took tons of photos! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving !

  8. I bet it smells good in those woods, too! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  9. As always, such beautiful colours. Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  10. Abolutely beautiful, Happy Thanksgiving my friend........:-)Hugs

  11. Happy Thanksgiving, Joan! I am thankful for all your wonderful pictures and your sunny personality!

  12. You've got it all at this beautiful spot, how amazing it would be if you were to capture a shot of an eagle here.
    Hope you've had an enjoyable thanksgiving.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving! I bet you have some snow by now! :)

  14. Beautiful Joan!
    I love the spot you loved also...

  15. These are all so wonderful of such a wonderful area. I love the water and I love the landscapes too.

  16. What a beautiful place, great photos Joan. And of course you know I love the ducks. The shimmering water is very cool.


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