Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Glimpse of Nature's Color at it's Finest. Oh, and a Goose too!.....

This autumn, I tried to get out in the woods
as much as possible.

I went to find color.

I went to find critters.

I went to find beauty.

And I found them all.

Over the river and through the woods to......??

Just look to the end of THIS road....
what lies ahead??:

You never know what life's rapids
will flow your way....

Like maybe seeing a goose butt?:

She seems aware I am there, but she didn't see me yet:

Hearing my shutter clicks, she looked to her left...but she still didn't see me yet:

(I was able to get quite a few shots of her before she quietly slipped into the water and paddled away).

Into the glory of autumn:

The goose was there to remind me.....
Keep alert.

Look to your right and left often.

Or else one might miss
all of the little things....

every single detail of
the glory of nature.


  1. That's right Joan, if we all don't look, we don't see all the beauty around us. Great photos, again!!!

  2. Beautiful photos as usual ! Have a great day !

  3. Your shots are amazing....I would love to walk down that beautiful road....very slowly and just soak all of the colors and beauty in!

  4. The geese are beautiful. but photo #2 is my favorite. Glorious gold!

  5. Isn't it wonderful how a camera can make you slow down and see so much of the world right around us. I try to never leave the house without my "third eye"! The one time I did I saw 5 baby squirrels sitting side by side on a tree limb. It still upsets me that I missed that photo opportunity!
    Your photos are marvelous...the road shots are wonderful and make me want to travel down that road.

  6. Oh those colours!! So vivid. So beautiful.

  7. what gorgeous golds in those first few pics....

  8. Hi Joan, I love the golds and reds of Autumn.... Marvelous photos. Thanks for sharing...

  9. Those golden road shots are breathtakingly beautiful. I really want to go down that path.

  10. BEAUTIFUL!!!
    I need to be riding my bicycle slowly down both of those roads...

  11. Such beautiful colors.
    Great shots

  12. You know I love the ducks and geese too, even their cute little butts. Great autumn colors, the yellows and reds are so vivid.

  13. Everyone gets such pretty colors in the Fall :D We don't get colors... We go from green to empty trees in a matter of days! My neighborhood went from looking like summer to winter within 2 weeks and we didn't get any oranges or reds in between... only brown :(

  14. Wow Joan, just wow! The road is so incredibly orange. Is that perfection in nature or what!

    Looks like something happened to her neck. Maybe a little tussle?

  15. I want to walk right into that second photo and see where the road takes me! And what a cool looking bridge in the first shot:)


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