Saturday, October 30, 2010

More This and That from the Woods!

More scenic woods autumn beauty
for you today!

I asked my husband to climb out onto the falls
and remove that log,
but he said no, it was nature's artwork.
But, I had to agree with him.
Besides, I love him and didn't want to endanger his well-being.
But I kinda like the falls better with out it....

This was a tiny river flowing below a roadway that we accidently saw
while riding a wood's road:

There is just something peaceful
about a babbling brook
over river rocks:

Boulders along the bright orange riverbanks:

We talked about the glaciers
that formed these rivers
so many many years ago:

Nature really does have a GRAND plan,
doesn't it??:

We loved this huge tree root on the far side of this colorful pond:


Let Nature
Wow you today!

ONE DAY left people!!!

Get your
photo into the FREE PHOTO CONTEST
by midnight
on Oct. 31st, 2010.
And, since you are gonna be too busy handing out Trick-or-Treat candy
tomorrow night,
you'd better get on it TONIGHT!!!!


  1. i can almost hear the that root structure a statue watching over teh lake..

  2. That tree root looks like a Giant Insect or Lobster staring straight at you, Joan!

    Beautiful water scenes!

  3. Once again, you blow us away with your wonderful talent with a camera!

  4. Years ago, I would have agreed to take down the log. But today, imperfection is something that I know know makes pictures and peoples special. I love the shots. Great job as usual

  5. Great photos! We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful area. I love waterfalls and we are blessed with so many here in the U.P.

  6. All of these photos are so nice. I bet that would have made a great action shot having your husband being tossed into the water from the fast current of water. I think a large rainfall might just remove it. Take care.

  7. Beautiful shots Joan!
    You have a lot of water around you...

  8. Boulders along the orange riverbanks is my fav! Remind me how I send you a photo for the contest- I have one!

  9. I could sit there all day with my fishing rod.

  10. Seeing all of that flowing water made me let out a sigh of peacefulness. It's sights like those that I love so much about nature. Simply beautiful.

  11. Great photos! Speaking of letting Nature "Wow!" you, you need to check out my latest Photo Friday. : )

  12. I was looking for my site on google and found you instead. Now that I have checked you out you might want to check me out.
    Some great pictuers that make me want to be there.

  13. I love how soft the water looks in your images and the fall colors are gorgeous. Thank you for your post, I feel inspired to look for some fall colors in my area today. :)

  14. I can hear the water rushing - just looking at these photos puts me in a happy and peaceful mood!

  15. The next to the last photo is my favorite of this set, but they're all fabulous!!

    Thanks for stopping by! Regarding the blogiversary.... I have a button my sidebar that reminds me,near the bottom of my blog!

  16. Lovely photos! I really enjoy your water fall photos that one with all the series of rocks and water going over them is awesome.:)

  17. I am truly Wowed, by both nature and your beautiful photos.

  18. All your shots from the woods series are amazing! Do you often have such great weather to head out and ramble through the golden fall canopies? I'm in Belgium right now, enjoying the changing season (I usually live in southern Spain, Fall is when we pull out a sweater and the humidity drops a bit. No colours), but it's so rainy I can't really get any of the colours just right in most of my pictures! Sunday will probably be my last Fall hike thanks to wind and rain knocking leaves off trees left and right, and I hope it will be a nice day! The next hike will probably be through naked trees... :s

    Anyhow, gorgeous shots! Whereabouts are these woods?


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: