Thursday, October 28, 2010

More Scenic Shots from the Woods!

Today, we continue with more waterfall shots
scenic shots from this autumn splendor in the U.P. of Michigan.

Many, many places are like this in the U.P.
Sometimes the falls aren't even marked as falls.
You may be riding down a dirt woods road and come across a bridge and look down
and see this:

And if you follow the river banks down a ways,
you almost always find more cascading falls:

Or large rocks with deep crevices where the water flows down from:

I can never pick a favorite.
I love each and every one of these places:

It would be like picking a favorite child
out of all of your children!:

And if waterfalls are not your favorite thing in nature,
there are a zillion little ponds
out in the middle on nowhere
to marvel at the autumn's reflections in:
(Did you notice the little rowboat on the far shore here? Wonder who owns it?)

Another pond out in the wild.
Love the contrast of the pine trees against the bright orange trees here!:

Ponds of beautiful color

I hope you find color in your life
today, too....
Don't forget to enter the FREE MONTHLY PHOTO CONTEST!

This month's theme is:


Please send me your photo following THESE RULES
midnight, Oct. 31, 2010.


  1. It's a Fairytale land! And you are a very good photographer, I think I've told you that before! Thank you!!!

  2. These are wonderful pictures. I like the rocks with the water flowing between. Great photo. I look forward to seeing the texture photos for this months contest. Some day I am going to be good enough with our little digital camera to join the contest.

  3. Waterfalls are definitely my favorite and like you, I'd have a hard time choosing just one! Beautiful photos Joan.

  4. oh but you know they are my fav...smiles. beautiful country...looks like a nice hike...

  5. More fabulous pictures. Yawn. Don't you having anything else? :-) I'm kidding, of course.

  6. Joan you have out done yourself once again . Beautiful photos ! Looks like a beautiful tranquil place !

  7. Your waterfall shots are especially amazing!

  8. Love it! Beautiful there. I love the one with the slow shutterspeed.

  9. I love everyone of these pictures. I think you live in one of the most beautiful spots on earth Joan, and I am so pleased you share its beauty with all of us......Big hugs, xo

  10. Hi Joan, You know how much I love waterfalls. Yours are always incredible.... We need to visit you sometime!!!!!

    The other pictures are great also ---but I'm definitely drawn to the waterfalls...

  11. My favorite is the one with the mystery rowboat on the it. Thanks for sharing these beautiful areas of your home state.
    Hugs, Gail

  12. Which wonderful scenery, I like these beautiful photos ! as always ... :))


  13. I love waterfalls, little ponds and autumn colors. You have all of my favorite things in one post, it doesn't get any better.

    I just emailed my photo, I decided not to wait until 11:59pm on the last day this time, LOL!

  14. What beautiful pictures! I especially love the waterfalls.

  15. What lovely photos. Nice view, I love streams, water falls etc. Nice post. Happy Halloween to you and family


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