Monday, October 4, 2010

More This and That from the Woods...

I am once again behind in posting the many photographs
I love to take!!

We are in FULL COLOR here,
in fact, at my house most of the trees tops are bare already
with only colored leaves still on the bottom halves.

So, I thought I'd better get going
and post some photos
I took in the woods a few weeks
before our color change here happened in full stride....
We were at a little pond in the woods
and I saw a huge shadow
on the road beside me.

I looked up...

and saw this!:
A huge Turkey vulture swooping over me.

He must have not liked me at his pond!

But he did give me some great shot opportunities!
He flew so close, I could capture his ugly red turkey-like head!:

You can see it in this blurry picture too!:

Remember a few blogposts ago
when I said my husband made me walk and climb into a little hidden

And I said I was glad I did?

Well this is a shot of the bottom of those falls, which I just loved:
We sat down here in this little spot for a little while....
which made me yearn to go and look at some other waterfalls....

So, we did!

This is called "Big Erik's Bridge"
after a large man that worked in some lumber camps
right near the river in years past.....

It has a couple sets of rapids and waterfalls right near the bridge..
a wonderful spot to take photographs during the different seasons:

A closeup of a little waterfall between some rocks:

There are little nooks and crannies all over the place
where water "falls" between rocks, which I loved!!:

You can see that at the time I was there, the leaves were just starting
to turn colors:

What is odd here, is that you can drive for 20 minutes
and the leaves or forest can be totally different,
and the changing leaves
can be way ahead
way behind
the place you just left.

Like this pond, for instance:

Lots more color here....and glorious reflections!!

Which started:



You don't KNOW about

Be glad.

Be very glad.

Because it is bad.


You see, as soon as the leaves show me that they are changing into brilliant yellows, oranges and reds

I make my poor husband bring me all over creation
every single waking moment
that I can get him to during this time of color in the U.P.

The poor guy is lucky that I let him sleep, or eat, or shower....

I am at the door, pointing at my watch, saying: "Hurry, don't you see that sun out? It is going to be a perfect color day out there...HURRY!!! I say HURRY!"

So, if you see a weary, run-down man with big rings under his eyes
that would be him.

Because, we have had a ton of sunny days in a row here.

And, you guessed it....
I've had him on the run.

He is probably the only man in the U.P. who prays for rain every fourth or fifth day
just so he gets some rest.

But, don't worry....
I remind him daily that this season is verrrrry short here...
Before we know it, all the leaves will be down and we will be having SNOW...

So, I also remind him to suck it up
to load the car.

Besides, I always make the sandwiches and pack the picnic basket....
So, that's not so bad, is it????


  1. Even though there is nothing in the photographs to give us a comparative scale, you can just tell that the vulture is huge and powerful. Fine pictures.

  2. It sounds like you and hubby always have a great time when you get to go chase photo opportunities. I especially enjoyed the photo of the trees around the pond.

  3. Wonderful pictures, as usual! I also love the pond and the color of the leaves.

  4. Hi Joan (Sista friend), LOVE LOVE LOVE those little waterfalls and you got some great pictures... Your hubby is a 'keeper' like mine... Mine will drive me all over the place also --just trying to get more great pictures...

    Love seeing the Turkey Vultures --especially when they are 'in flight'... Beautiful !!!!!! I also love seeing your Fall colors up there... Can't wait to get more color down here.


  5. Sound like you both have had a good time, and I love these pictures with all beautiful colors of fall.

    Have a nice day:)


  6. The last one is so full of colours, the seasonal colours.

  7. Sounds like a good plan to me. Grab the camera and the picnic basket and go! Love the pond pic.

  8. Loved these pictures! You go into CPM, baby! We all benefit!

  9. That lost shot with the autumn leaves is my favorite. I didn't know turkeys could fly...we had 18 of the strutting around our backyard last winter...but I never saw one of them fly!

  10. Beautiful photos, We have alot of the same birds around here, Turkey Vultures! Have a great day!

  11. The pond is lovely. You caught it at exactly the right time. Everything is so vibrant!

  12. you know i love the waterfalls...

    that vulture looks huge...

    and i imagine he does not mind the adventures...that is more time with you right?

  13. Great shots of the turkey vulture, they are beautiful in flight even with that ugly head. My hubby is lucky, I usually do my photo safaris while he is at work but on the weekends I sometimes drag him along.

    I love your waterfall shots.

  14. No, it'd not bad! The season is short, time's a wasting, carpe diem, etc! Lovely shots.

  15. I love how you have captured the movement of the water. Photos of moving water are amongst my favourites.

  16. I am sighing happily looking at your fall photos! Your hubby is a saint! (I am always yelling at my hubby too - hurry - the light is just right!) Wish your place was closer to our cabin - I'd be bugging you all the time Joan!!!

  17. Gorgeous pics! LOVE the lake!

    I went to MN 2 years ago to see the colors but we were a week early and didn't get the full impact. I live where people crave to live because of the beaches. I could care less about the beaches and am jealous of those who live where the fall colors explode.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: