Friday, October 1, 2010

Here They ARE!!!...September's FREE PHOTO CONTEST entries!!!


We got some beautiful entries this month
for our September FREE PHOTO CONTEST


We did not get quite as many entries as in past months
many of you said you don't have either fountains or waterfalls near where you live.

I am so sorry for that, as I would be very sad if I couldn't get my butt to a waterfall
several times a year.
(However, I do not have a fountain anywhere near where I live either. ha)

Before we get started looking at the entries,
I wanted to remind you...
IF you have entered a photo this month
please contact me IMMEDIATELY via email!!!

I try very hard to keep them organized, but life gets in the way sometimes and
I skip someone now and then.

I will wait a few days before I contact my judges
and if I forgot someone, I will do a revision of this post
to include anyone I may have forgotten...
Hopefully, I won't have to do that and I got everyone included
that entered.

So, now we are ready.

Put your feet up, grab some wine or coffee
(heck you have two hands, grab BOTH!)
look at these beauties:

This one is from Mary. Her blog is called: "Journey into Elderhood".

This one is from J.J. Her blog is called: "The World According to JJ in L.A."

 This one is from Raymond C. He did not list a blog.

 This one is from Grannyann. Her blog is called: the "Ann Tucker Blog".

This one is from Larry. He has two blogs. One is called: "Larry's Creative Zone" and the other one is called: "Larry's Photo a Day".

This one is from Jean. Her blog is called: "The Joy of Bird Watching and Living the Simple Life".

This is from Rachel. Her blog is called: "Ciao, Eh? A Canadian Adventure in Italy".

                                   This one is from Arti. Her blog is called: "My Yatra Diary".

This is from Linda Reeder. Her blog is called: "Linda's Letters".

This one is from DJan. She has two blogs. One is called:  "Djan-ity" and the other is called:
"Eye on the Edge".


Aren't they AWESOME?????

I wish each and every one of you that entered good luck
and I once again want to thank you for your efforts and talents.

You are all amazing!!!

The theme for the FREE PHOTO CONTEST


Now, let your imagination run wild with that one!
Send in a photo that you think fits the theme of "textures"
no later than Oct. 31st, 2010....
following THESE RULES.

You MAY enter a photo that you have already posted on your blog,
if you have a blog.
You do NOT have to have a blog to enter the contest.


  1. Again, the judges have a challenge ahead of them! I think the waterfall at with the rainbow at the bottom is one of my favorites!

  2. Thank you, Eva, and thank you Joan for this fun contest. I'm now pondering textures!

  3. wow...these are great...i love waterfalls as you know so i vote 3 & 5...

  4. Great shots! Of course, I have a favorite. One of these days the judges will agree with me. LOL

    When you announced the category, I thought waterfalls and fountains would make a good pairing. Now that I've seen the photos I'm not so sure. Its hard for ANYTHING man-made to be more awesome than a naturally-occurring wonder! (And I really like fountains!)

  5. All of them are very beautiful...
    The judges are in for a hare time!
    Pondering over textures now:)

  6. Joan, Thanks for accepting my entry. The competition is really tough!
    I have to agree with Eva, Linda's waterfall with the rainbow is an impressive capture!

  7. I think your judges ought to pick one winner for the waterfalls and another winner for the fountains... They are so different that it would not be fair to lump them into the same category... You have enough of both groups to choose one winner... Just my humble opinion.....


  8. Another tough group!
    I like them all...

  9. Another fine collection of entries.

  10. I knew this was going to be a great photo contest, and the submissions are terrific!

  11. All are fantstic photos, its amazing what you can do with photoshop. A tuff decision !

  12. Great job everyone! Good submissions! :)

  13. What a beautiful collection of photos! I'm in impressive company!

  14. Incredible photos I look forward to checking out all these blogs

  15. Great photos, the waterfalls and fountains are all beautiful. I would not be able to decide on a winner.

    Textures sounds like a great challenge, I can't wait to see the interpretations.

  16. These are wonderful. Interesting to see the difference between waterfalls and fountains. Very different and really, wonderful. I enjoyed going through them all.

  17. It really is fun to see all the different places one has to go to find falling water.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: