Sunday, October 10, 2010

Color, Color....Everywhere!

I have been outside for the last four weeks
taking as many fall pictures
as possible!

Therefore, I am woefully behind in my loyal daily reading
of many of your wonderful which I apologize.
But, here in the U.P.
it is a lonnnnng winter,
so I will go to each of your sites soon
and read all your back posts, I promise!

My post today will show you
some of the autumn beauty
which I have been trying to capture from the U.P.
for you.

First up,
this is a river about 5 miles from our house:

As you can see, that picture was taken when our leaves were in full color.
Believe it or not,
there is not a single colored leaf left in this same spot today.
We drove by yesterday, and there are only pines and bare branches.

A few weeks before the above picture was taken, we went to
(click on link)

Here is a map of Michigan, Students.
See the UPPER land mass of Michigan?
That is the UPPER PENINSULA (U.P.) of Michigan, where we live.
If you look at the map of the U.P.
you will see a little "finger" sticking out at the top of the map
at the northern most tip of the U.P.
There is a little town named Copper Harbor there.
It is gorgeous.

At Copper Harbor is a wonderful mountain
Click on the link to see more about it.

The pictures below were all taken off
the top of Brockway Mountain Drive
when the leaves were about 60% in color....

This is looking down at Lake Fannie Hoe:
 If you look close, you can see that the leaves are in all kinds of different stages of color...some are still green, and some of the hills far off in the distance are in full color.

You can see Lake Superior at the top of this photo:

Looking straight at the shores of Lake Superior from the top of Brockway:

You see beauty all 360 degrees when you look off the top:

Almost full color here:

This shot shows the different stages of color the best:

It is spiritual:

I spent most of the day Ooo-wing and Ahhh-ing:

I hope I provided you
with a small fraction
of the
wonder of autumn
that I felt that day!


  1. Wonderful landscape, and beautiful pictures of fall.
    I have done as you lately. Been outside taking so many pictures of fall, as I can.
    Have a nice day:)


  2. ...*sigh*... I MISS the fall!!! and those wonderful colors and the mountains, well...missing everything...*smile*...

    Thanks for sharing it with me, Joan. You don't know how good it feels to see that beauty trough your pictures!

    yep... it's me commenting - again - I have set an "alarm" in my agenda that will remind me from now on to visit my blog friends at least once per week - and here I am...LOL... sorry to have been absent that long!

  3. BEAUTIFUL ~ okay, you convinced me - next year we are going to Copper Harbor for a Fall road trip. We've lived here for 5 years and still haven't been there. I know, I know ... just that we keep getting ourselves into projects. BUT next year will be different! Maybe we could meet up there for a day of exploring. :)

  4. Absolutly beautiful photos ! Have great day !

  5. wow wow wow...
    Those are beautiful!
    too bad our palm trees don't change colors...
    really nice photos Joan

  6. Yes, that one picture is definitely spiritual. They just transport me to ecstasy looking at those colors! BTW, your pictures continue to inspire me.

  7. Hi Joan, Your pictures are good ---but that first one is FABULOUS... Can't wait 'til we get that kind of color down here.

    Thanks for sharing.

  8. These are all so beautiful. It is amazing how fast the leaves like to drop. We will get a rain and every leaf on the birch tree falls the next day. Great trip that you shared with us.

  9. Great scenes of autumn you have captured here! There's so much beauty in Michigan - the proof is in your gorgeous photos!!!

  10. One of my brothers used to go to Copper Harbor to enjoy the views but he never took pictures. Now I see how beautiful the views are!

  11. Gorgeous colors! But do you have 90 degree weather in October? ; ) I'll trade ya (for a while!).

  12. Gorgeous, glorious photos of Nature's hand-painted designs!! Great job on capturing all that beauty!

  13. Oh thanks for posting those pictures!! We went up Brokway mountain a few years ago and LOVED the views! Of course, that was in August so we didn't get to see those gorgeous colors!! Awesome!!

  14. Your pictures are absolutley breath taking. What a beautiful area you live in! Gail

  15. Beautiful colors. I love fall.

  16. I keep going back to my favorite park with my camera, hoping to get the colors changing. I guess we're a few weeks behind you, here in Pennsylvania. Your photos are gorgeous!

  17. Definitely OOOh and AAAh! What amazing color, and gone so soon.

  18. I am so excited to be able to open up your blog tonight, I just knew you would have wonderful pictures and you do.....they are beautiful.
    .......:-) Hugs

  19. Just looking at your gorgeous photos is making me ooo and awwww, it must have been even more fabulous in person. I'm looking forward to getting some color in our leaves soon.

  20. Thanks for sharing your glorious photos of fall. Love that spiritual one. It is.

  21. They're all so breathtaking Joan and you're right, all so spiritual.

  22. Beautiful photos! You conjured up some wonderful memories ~ I've been to Copper Harbor and the overlook seeing Lake Superior; but never in the fall when the leaves were peaked. I have to make a note to go and see that again. Thanks for sharing!!

  23. Gorgeous!! As much as I love the Texas heat, I do miss those Fall colors. Thanks for the lovely pictures!

  24. Beautifully photographed fall landscapes, over here most of the leaves are gone from the trees already, winter is nigh.

  25. These photos are absolutely gorgeous. You have a great way with scenes and the outdoors looks awesome through your lens.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: