Friday, September 24, 2010

This and That from the Woods....

I don't know about YOU,
but this week has been CRAZY.

I haven't been NEAR my computer
and I am woefully behind in reading all my friend's blogs!

But, it is autumn here, so besides meetings, and other things in life
going on,
I have been out in the gorgeous autumn leaves taking many, many pictures
of our season
for future blogposts.

What happens here, is that the leaves are in full color for a very short period of time.

If we get a lot of rain or wind, they can literally all fall off within a few days.

So I vowed this year that I would get outside
on every nice sunny day and get as many photos as possible
before we lose all that beautiful color.

Thus, I have been MIA from reading others' blogs
and from being timely
in my own posts.

Normally, now...I post on every other day by 7am..
But, today I was late.

Today, I have pictures for you of when we out in the woods about two weeks ago...
My hubby took me to a tiny, hidden waterfalls in the woods
and we drove about and found some other beauty
in the woods too.


This was before the leaves started changing colors
in our woods...
and we had gone out just after a light rain:

Believe it or not, this leaf was just a mile or two down the road
from where I took the last picture:

(Which told me that autumn was, indeed on it's way...and that was two weeks ago!)

The cold nights and the warm water on the lake caused morning fog.
I couldn't resist running down and snapping some photos of it.
The water is quickly getting very cold, too....

And the tiny, hidden waterfalls
that my husband told me he had to show me?

Worth every step over the rotten logs and every swat of swinging tree limbs
to climb down to!

It was heavenly!:

We found the cutest toadstool mushroom:

And, there are STILL dragonflies out and about:

And deer, still with their fawn spots:

I crawled over to the top of that little waterfalls,
just so I could take a shot
of the water going over the top:

I hope you are enjoying the beginning of autumn
where you are,
and are outside as much as you can be....
because before you know it, I will be posting SNOW photos!!!

Speaking of
Did you send me
your photo of a WATERFALL
yet for September's FREE PHOTO CONTEST????

Just follow THESE RULES.

Remember, the deadline is just around the corner!!

You have to get it to me by midnight on Sept. 30th...
so hurry!!!


  1. wonderful captures...the leaves you open with are excellent...and the waterfalls...i love them and could hear them in you pictures...

  2. Beautiful shots! I love Autumn but I think the Summer is trying to stay late around here because it was above 90F in Newtown today.

  3. You know that cute toadstool is an amanita mushroom? Makes you see pretty colors if you eat it! Great shots, as usual.

  4. The mushroom is indeed very cute... Loved all the pics...
    Have a nice day:)

  5. I suppose I could go out in the rains almost everyday got some very nice photos..I like your fungi! :)

  6. What gorgeous pictures, I just love visiting your blog, it always makes me smile ;)
    That little toadstool is precious, and baby deer still with spots beautiful.
    Thank you for the tour of your woods...

  7. I enjoy your photos, I enjoy snapping mine, I enjoy being bitten by mosquitoes as well.

  8. Wonderful photos, that is the cutest mushroom and that little waterfall is beautiful.

    I know what you mean about being busy, I have barely had time to visit anyone all week.

  9. Wonderful collection of images. You capture the seasonal moods so well and make me feel as if I know your own little corner of the world.

  10. The leaf and the mushroom are my favorites. Very nice!

  11. Our resident fawns have lost their spots, just since last week. The waterfall was worth the Crawl, Joan! :)

  12. I don't know how you manage to sneak up on dragonflies! I particularly enjoy those shots because the dragonfly is so pretty to begin with and because I haven't been able to get my own! All of these shots are wonderful and I would have been excited to see the fawn since I don't get out much! Enjoy the fall colors!

  13. Absolutely beautiful photos ! What type of camera do you use ! The trees here are either fully changed, half changed or not at all yet the leaves are falling off, hubby and I will be going soon to photograph the beautiful colors ! Have a great day !

  14. Beautiful pictures capturing the feeling of fall.
    I do the same thing as you these days, take a lot of photos of these beautifull colors out there.
    It's getting colder, and winter often come as a big surprise every year.
    Have a nice weekend.
    (Berit's fotoblogg).

  15. I enjoyed all your lovely photos! Wishing you a Happy Autumn.

  16. BeautifulShots...loved the mushroom and the Dragonfly ones...Enjoy the Autumn!!! And the secret waterfall was indeed a beautiful find.

  17. Gorgeous, as usual! But that deer???

    OHHH MY!!! I'm in love!!!

  18. What wonderful shots! The leaves are turning slowly here too and the woods are full of those cute toadstools.

  19. Really enjoyed running across your blog. And love the nature pictures. The description of the sandhill crane migration was just great. Thanks!

  20. Spectacular photos of this lovely season. It hasn't quite started here in Italy but the nights are getting a little colder so it wants to!

  21. They are all such wonderful shots.

  22. What a beautiful post with so many spectacular pictures! Every one of them is extraordinary. The rain droplets on the leaves are beautiful and that toadstool just takes my breath away. For most of my life, I've collected mushrooms and toadstool trinkets and done needlework, crewel and decoupage ones. I love waterfalls and about 18 years ago, had the thrill of my life when I got to visit Iguazu Falls on the Argentinian Brazilian border. It was an amazing spiritual experience. I felt like I'd looked on the face of God.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: