Sunday, September 26, 2010

My FAVORITE kind of Surprise in the Woods!!

we headed out to the woods
to see if we could find wildlife of any kind
to photograph.

It was a slow day..
a few birds...
nothing else.

Then we spotted

Oh boy!

I knew what they were the minute I saw them.

But did we see the creature?

So we rode on, out to a really pretty little lake.

We had a little snack and then realized it was later than we thought
and figured we'd better head back home.

So we go down the winding roads, talking about how cloudy it was getting, and almost too dark for pictures...
what should be RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD????

What? you ask?


A big, BULL MOOSE!!!

I was so excited!!

I took the first picture through the window because I was so scared he was going to run away if I got out of the car.

Which he DID!!:
(Don't worry, I wasn't this close on his tail..I used my zoom! I said I was EXCITED,
but I'm not NUTS!)

But, then?

He did the most amazing thing!

It was almost like he wasn't sure he saw what he saw...
so he stopped
to take a second look!:

And then he put his head down to head away.
Back to Moose business.
(I wonder what Moose Business really IS?)
Hanging around the swamps, munching on tree tops,
laughing at all the puny deer?:

They always look

I mean,
no sense of humor,
at all!:
I mean..I was smiling!

Because I was seeing an elusive MOOSE!!!

He gave one LAST glance towards his safe home in the woods:
And that was the last we saw of him...

He did run off into the woods then...

We drove up to where he ran into the side of the road,
and there was no sign of him...
not even a broken branch!!!
But, me?

I  have been smiling for a week!!!!!!


  1. I'd be smiling too for an opportunity like that! Congratulations!! Fantastic shots!!!

  2. I would be smiling too, what a beautiful animal and such a precious capture

  3. Those are wonderful shots, and how exciting to have gotten to see this huge critter.


  4. I will have to send our guests over YOUR way to see moose! Lucky you! All we've ever seen in our woods is signs of where they have been (if you know what I mean!)

  5. Awesome! I can see why you are smiling. So am I, since your brought me along in your adventure!

  6. You have made my day. I have never seen one in the woods ever. Once in Minneapolis Zoo. You got some great shots. They really are very big.

  7. AWESOME!!!! You saw a moose again!! I can tell how excited you were...ha ha ! Great photos and I'm so glad he stopped to look back and give you more photo ops!! They sure are huge animals!

  8. Hello,
    This was some very nice shots of the moose. I think they are really beautiful.
    This weekend the hunting-season for moose has started here in Norway, and I saw several hunters out in the woods today.
    Have a nice day:)

  9. Cool shots! I lived in Maine for 5 years but the only time I saw a moose was in Banff, Canada and it, too, was big! It does make us smile to be so close to wild creatures, doesn't it? Maybe he thought the same thing.

  10. I don't blame you for smiling! You got some great shots!

  11. oh this would be a most magical surprise for me...would love to see a moose! great pics!

  12. What a thrill - I would have been smiling too. I love to see any wild animal in its natural habitat. A

  13. What great pictures!! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  14. O! my gosh! that is fantastic.........To capture these photos like you have would make me smile all week as well......My favourite animal in all the world is "the moose" I love that behind their gentle gangly way is a power that says never judge anyone or anything by their looks!! when the show nothern exposure came to Australia yep!! I was hooked on these beautiful creatures. hugs from Lee-Ann

  15. So incredibly cool!!! We don't have anything larger than possums and foxes around here... and you really only ever see them as roadkill :/ I'm going to visit my Grandma in a couple of weeks, and I'll have my new zoom lens with me. I'm hoping to get some great shots!

  16. Congrats to you on your photos of the moose. That looks like a healthy moose. These are great shots and I know you enjoyed that experience.

  17. Can you hear me over here squealing w/ delight for you over these shots! Fantastic to see this moose and great photos to boot!! Congrats!!!

  18. What a wonderful adventure for you!! That is my favorite animal to you..because they are so eluscive I guess. Those are fabulous pictures you have. You are soooo lucky on this special day!!
    Hugs, Gail and Mistaya

  19. How exciting...I'm thrilled for you. My nurse friend who lives in Alaska is always getting creatures in her yard - bear, moose, and the like - she's even leary of falling asleep on her deck for that reason. Your photos are absolutely incredible. I'll bet you are on a high that will last for days.

    -Check out the link for info on my blogaversary giveaway:

  20. I would love to see a moose here...
    that would definitely be exciting.

  21. Wow! How fun! And great pics! Glad you were smart enough to stay in the car. lol!

  22. I think he turned and looked back at you because he wanted his moment of fame on the internet.

  23. Oh how lucky you were!! You sure were in the right place!

  24. We are looking for great blogs and we would love it if you registered yours with us.

    This is awesome. This would be great to see in real life. I see deer every once in a while in my backyard but that is nothing in comparison to this.

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    If you are interested in joining, please visit (yes, it’s completely free).

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  25. I recongized the prints as soon as I saw them! Getting shots of a bull moose is a really great accomplishment. He is a very handsome fellow.

    I know they are in this area but I have yet to see one. Not like Anchorage where they would hang out in my backyard.

  26. I just love this bull moose photo essay!!! I, too, am smiling. And searching thru waterfall photos for the right one!

  27. Joan, you hit the Moose jackpot! I know just how exciting it is too! The same thing happened to my husband and I years ago when we were out on our bikes. It was a little terrifying but so thrilling at the same time! Unfortunately I didn't carry my camera around back then like I do now. Aren't they tall???!!!

  28. I didn't know what the prints were--but I guessed.... You got some great pictures of the bull moose... I know you were excited...

  29. Great photo-op Joan! And you took full advantage of it...very nice!


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