Friday, August 20, 2010

More this and that from the woods!

I am showing some of the photos
we got
from a quick, refreshing trip out in the woods.

Sometimes, when things get reallllly hectic
in life,
I ask my husband to take me out for part of a day into the woods.

We ride around and talk and take a picnic lunch
look at nature.

It never fails to connect us better and to make us both refreshed.

I believe these are called Fleabane....they are all over on the sides of the roads:

White musk mallow. They remind me of apple blossoms:

I love looking at daisies at different angles:

And up close:

And THIS critter!
We have a love/hate relationship.
He is noisy.
He's a PEST.
He eats all my birdfeed at home....
He starts making noises under my bedroom window about 5:30am
and I want to strangle him!

But they are so cute...

I don't know what kind of flower this is, but I have some in my garden, given to me:

While driving by a pond in the woods, we saw a large ring of water.
We knew SOMETHING was swimming in it, but couldn't see what....
we kept
and finally, we saw it!

I had to use my zoom lens because it was so far away....
but I got a picture of it...
a little blurry, but my first opportunity to shoot one...

As soon as he saw us, he did the expected...he gave a large SLAP of his tail and went underwater...

From my garden, when we got back home....a budding Iris--
now it has already bloomed and died....

That's what happens...........
don't pay attention,
every single day....
to the
around you.........
they happen anyway
you've missed the
to be
blown away
by them....

I hope you have time today
to see at least
one miracle of nature.

Time is getting SHORT...remember to enter

August's theme is:

Sunrises or Sunsets

Send me your photo by midnight, August 31st
following THESE RULES.

Except, you can enter a photo you have posted on your blog before,
I have eliminated that rule....


  1. so cool to see the beaver...and love those daisy pics...but your intro stole my heart...we are picnicing tonight...

  2. Congratulations to these photos! as I like them! and the squirrel is really cute! bye...

  3. Your photos are amazing, again!

  4. Love that beaver shot! :-) And the little chipmunk, too...

  5. Thank you so much for this sweet reminder! I am going to forgive you for those chipmunk remarks.

  6. Gorgeous shots.
    I love visiting your blog,
    seeing close-up nature.

  7. Gorgeous photos, Joan..... I love all of your pretty little flowers.. And--it's neat that you tell us the name (although I probably won't remember it--ha). Love those little Fleabanes... So pretty...

    YES--the chip of the chipmunks is piercing for sure... I love the 'chip' of our Cardinals --but not the Chipmunk... They are cute--but they do drive us crazy (along with the squirrels)... ha

    We have a gorgeous, COOL morning up here (64 degrees)... First in a LONG time... yeah!!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Have a happy weekend.

    And happy photography.

  9. Brian: Good for you...glad to be the one to put the bug in your ear...

    Mahon: that is a chipmunk, silly! ..not a squirrel! LOL

    Eva: Thanks!

    DJan: Beaver shot??? haaa LOL!!!

    Bossy: I wish the Chipmunk wouldn't forgive us and run away in disgust. h a

    Linda: Thanks, I love nature the most and love to be out there taking photos of it.

    Betsy: It is raining and cooler here too..but we have had a lot of rain over the last 2 weeks, so I am hoping for some more SUN!

    Technobabe: Cute=yes...Brats=YES!!

    Rainfield: Back atcha!!

  10. I'm a sucker for a good chipmunk photo.

  11. I love picnics......these photos are beautiful as always my friend but I love how you were able to capture the beaver......:-)Hugs

  12. What beautiful photos amd wonders of nature. That beaver is adorable. I could jump in the water and give him a big hug.

  13. Walking in the woods. Love your pics! Beavers eh?

  14. Lovely photos. The photo of the fleabane (what a funny name), I just love! The petals are so delicate looking. Flowers, chipmunks, and beavers -- you just never know what you'll find in the woods!!

  15. Gorgeous close-ups! And that's why I wanted some advice. : )

  16. Fantastic pictures, especially the wee chipmunk. We have a small squirrel that lives back of our yard. He's the size of a chipmunk, but is one of the native Douglas squirrels here. We call him "Dougie" and when we sit down to eat breakfast in the morning, he's runs up the side of the house and puts his nose on the window, as if to say "where's mine?". So we feed him sunflower seeds, and in return he leaves our bird feeders alone.
    Great fun.

  17. All great photos Joan, but the one of that cute little chipmunk is amazing...

  18. Wonderful photos as usual. You caught some great shots. You know your photo resolution and size are really hard on my computer. I still haven't made it through all of your wonderful vintage cars as my old computer takes forever to load your work. I go do a chore or something while it takes the time to load it. It is well worth the wait but I do have to be patient and schedule you in.

  19. Wonderful photos Joan, the little chipmunk is adorable. I haven't seen any beaver in a long time, they are so elusive.

    So true about the miracles of nature.

  20. Wow Joan! I'm in awe, such beautiful shots! That chipmunk is so cute, how close did you get?? Really nice shots


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