Friday, July 16, 2010


The same day we went and caught the frog in the raindrops
(see my last post),
we caught some turtles
a ditch
beside the road.

I caught the back
of the largest
turtle I have EVER seen in the U.P.

Unfortunately, it popped underwater
and did not come back up so I could capture it better with my camera:

But luckily, this guy had no idea I was by him:

Usually, they feel the vibration on the ground before I can get close to them to get a shot
and they go underwater.
I had to use a zoom to get this one:

He was just hangin' out, getting some sun:

Or maybe admiring his reflection in the water:

After all, he IS pretty handsome, don't you think?:

We saw about three others that day,
but they were very spooked by any movement
and would plop right into the water and stay underwater
for a long, long time....
they definitely outwaited this photographer.

Steady like a turtle has its roots in good history.
They outsmarted me, and that was all I could capture that day!


  1. Their shells are stream-line and so smooth compared to the box turtles I find here on the property and 'waaaay' cuter than the snapping turtles!

  2. Great shots. We love our turtles, too! This week it was a rainbow! Thank you for visiting my sky !

  3. I have not seen a turle with orange colour before.

    It is as handsome as the Mr. Frog.

  4. wow! What great shots. I never realized they were so colorful!

  5. I used to keep turtles in a tank. They were viscous little things - but there again I would probably be viscous if I was kept in a tank.

  6. Yes he is a handsome feller! There's just something about turtles. I've always liked them. had those tiny ones when I was a kid. Now I have a huge African Sideneck that I've had for over 15 years. I thought it was a he all these years till it laid some eggs last month.. They do have personalities.
    Great photos as usual Joan!!

  7. Beautiful pictures of the turtles, Joan.... One of them looks like he is SUNNING all over...ha

    Have a good weekend.

  8. ooo. loving the orange markings on him...that other one, its hard to get a scal on the image, looks like something i would not want to run into on a dark

  9. Turtles tend to be camera shy.
    Nice shots!

  10. He looks like he just got a wax job. And he looks annoyed to be disturbed.

  11. I love his orange markings. It makes him (her?) look very sassy.

  12. they are amazing

  13. You can even make a turtle look cute with your pictures....but really he is cute (if it is a he) I think I would enjoy spending a rainy day with you guys and watch you capture these great photos.
    Have a great weekend....:-)Hugs

  14. Great captures...
    I see a lot of turtles beside
    the gators on the trail...
    weird that the gators always look like they are smiling and happy and
    turtles always look grumpy.

  15. Very handsome! Love those colors!

  16. Great shots of those colourful turtles - they are handsome! A

  17. When my son was growing up he slways seemed to have a turtle around. He loved them. your pics are great.

  18. I had no idea they were so pretty. Where I walk on the "creek" there is one place that some of the other walkers tell me there are turtles.

    I finally saw one sunning on a log - but never got close enough to take a photo.

    (visiting from FarSides side bar!)

  19. Was that a turtle or a dinosaur?? LOL

  20. The handsome turtule... with the great pose, and also great shot..
    well done!!

    greeting from Indonesia

  21. He is a fine looking fellow and doesn't seem to mind being photographed. The shell in the first shot looks like it belongs to a really big turtle, maybe next time he will surface for your camera.

  22. Wanda: I don't know much about turtles but this one was very colorful and pretty.

    Jenn: you are it when you stop by my blog too.

    Rainfield: Mr. Frog was hard to beat. ha

    Eva: it is hard to catch one,they jump in the water when they hear you coming.

    Alan: ha true!...some folks that have pet turtles let them go free around the house and they get pretty friendly.

    Ginnymo: wow...fifteen years old? He must be BIG!

    Betsy: they are interesting and colorful creatures, but hard to capture on camera!

    Brian: I KNOW>..his shell was HUGE!!!! I wanna see him out of the water soooo bad. ha

    Pat: they sure ARE!!

    Technobabe: He may have been disturbed by my camera. ha

    Loree: He is sassy, for SURE. ha

    Debb: they are amazing creatures for sure.

    Bernie: c'mon to the U.P. and we will go photographing together. :0}

    Faye: GATORS?? Did you say GATORS??? Nope, I would not be able to hike where there are gators, it would be too scary for me!

    Bossy: I love their colors too and usually they hang around colorful ponds at the same time.

    Strawberry: Yes, colorful and timid!

    (symbols): ??

    Ann: Thanks..amazed that your son could catch a turtle. ha

    Pamela: glad you stopped by from Far Side's bar...welcome!

    Otin: they do look prehistoric, don't they?

    Nensa: Thanks so much!

    SquirrelQueen: He minded being photographed..I could only get a few shots and plop! he went into the water. ha


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