Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Raindrops Keep Fallin' on my Head

Sometimes, when we go out looking for photographs
you don't find a lot to inspire you
as you do on other days.

We went out one rainy, gray day
and got some interesting photos,
but none that got my
heart racing with joy.

That is,
downloaded them
on the computer.

We found a simple subject....

But what made him really cool
is that it started
raining during our photo shoot...
some very
cool effects.

Here is the sequence as it occurred:

Here he is, peeking out at me from the pond:

But then?
Kirrr-plop....a raindrop beside him:

"What the HECK was that?":  he asked.

Oh. My. Goodness:
(I fell in love with the raindrop patterns!)

And the closeups of the action of the drops:

"Does anyone have a frog-sized umbrella?"

Just goes to show you....

nature can throw a great show!!

You just need to notice it!

Speaking of NOTICING things and capturing them with your camera...
dont' forget

July's theme is:

Please remember to submit your photo by July 31st, midnight
following THESE RULES!!

Pay attention...the month is HALFWAY over..
you only have a few weeks to get out there and find a terrific action/motion shot.


  1. I just bought a camera and a book about how to use it and take photos. I'm probably not ready to enter contest, but maybe someday. Your raindrop photos are inspiring.

  2. Love the frog photos! I'm definitely entering the July contest, just really torn between two photos :)

  3. Amazing photos! That frog is priceless!

  4. Nice captures. Now I feel like I've wasted some good photo opportunities with all the rain we've had in Newtown over the last few days.

  5. what a cool how you capture the textures of the rain around him as well....very cool!

  6. Nature does have the very best shows. You got some wonderful slow motion shots.

  7. Writing: Oh, you don't have to wait to enter the contest...just will be fun, you'll see!

    Sara: How neat, can't wait to see what you enter!

    Rainfield: Yes! he was certainly a cool character.

    Eva: I love taking frog and turtle photos. I don't know why, I just do.

    James: Sometimes I grumble when nature doesn't seem perfect and we end up getting some of my best shots then.

    Brian: I really liked the raindrops..I hope to get out more when it rains and capture some water shots, now that I know how wonderful they can look close up!

  8. The frogs remind me of my father.
    He had frogs on his property.
    Couldn't drive up to his house in the rain for fear of running over one of them.
    Thanks for sharing the frogs pictures.

  9. Isn't it great how sometimes the camera picks up on things we miss at the time of the shot? Love the raindrop patterns, they are great and so is Mr. Frog.

  10. Those raindrops are so very awesome and that frog is just too cool for words. I love him.

  11. Hi Joan, Yes---nature can show us so much!!!! We just need to look... BUT--rain is something we haven't had much of lately... We've been in a drought with over 8 inches below normal recorded.

    The past two days ---the weather forecasters said that we were going to get TONS of rain. They even forecast a flood watch for us... HA!!!! We only got 1/2 inch TOTAL from those 2 days of rain. Unbelievable!!!!!

    When we do get rain, I'm sure that George and I will be out "singin' in the rain" for sure.

    Great pictures of your raindrops/patterns --and of course, the little froggie.


  12. He blends right in with his surroundings! Cute little guy...makes you think twice about ordering frog legs!

  13. I've got a soft spot for froggies! So cute!

  14. I absolutely love this post Joan!! What amazing photos. I love how you got the raindrops and I love frogs!!!

  15. Love the raindrop patterns.
    Sometimes you just have to sit
    and wait and then 'plop' a
    photo op appears.

  16. That is a great series. It has been a while since I have had a frog sit still for my camera.

  17. Joan, you never cease to amaze me, I would never had seen him, but you my friend got great shots of him and of the were born to take pictures I'm sure.

  18. Nice frog photos! I really like the patterns from the rain drops and the mood it creates with the frog. Well done!

  19. I elarged the photos, what a cute little guy! great photos...

  20. Froggie is a handsome fellow! You did an awesome job capturing all those cool shots.

    Hopped over from Lynn's "For Love Or Funny."

    No pun intended.

    LOL! =)

  21. You are either way brilliant, or you have a lot of free time! hahaha!

  22. Technobabe: Thanks!!!

    Linda: I would have fun taking pictures at your Father's place for sure!

    SquirrelQueen: I loved the raindrops...we need to get out more and take more photos in the rain!

    Loree: Thanks! I loved them both, too.

    Betsy: thanks, honey. and our summer has been the wettest in years.

    Cathy: haven't ever tried frog legs and don't want to. ha

    Bossy; they are so ugly they are cute.

    Ginnymo: Thanks for the nice comments on my photos, ginny...especially when I see your darling fox, skunks and groundhogs!!

    Faye: how true!

    Martha: He didn't sit still too long, but yes he was patient for me. h a

    Bernie: Oh, Bernie, what a lovely thing to say! I feel like that sometimes it just flows out of me..I see things surrounding me everywhere that I want to photograph.

    Mike: Thanks so much. It was a perfect setting for him, no doubt.

    Pat: glad you liked them!

    Diana: so glad you "hopped over"...welcome!!!!

    MyVisual: You are new to my blog too..welcome! I hope you become (or became) a Follower!

    Otin: I opt for brilliant. ha


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