Friday, July 30, 2010

More Images of Summer

Today I am continuing

Because, before we know it, summer will be over.

Can you believe that August is almost here?

I can't!

It seems like we were just talking about crocus and the budding of the leaves!

This was a yellow lily in my garden:

A large tree root in the middle of a beaver dam in the woods:
(it reminded me of a sculpture!)

A dreamy pond...

A turtle who didn't want his picture taken!:

A swan in the middle of the beaver dam:

A beautiful purple wildflower!
Does anyone know its name? Is this a nightshade?

Another shot of the same kind of wildflower:

One more butterfly on the blossoms picture:

Embrace summer over the next  few weeks....


  1. tha blue flower is gorgeous and the roots do look like a sculpture...very cool...

  2. You are so right! It will be gone before we know it!

  3. I am feeling like it is autumn over here; it rains everyday.

  4. Our neighbors maple trees are showing yellows and pinkish blushes at the top! And I don't think they were too stressed this summer!

  5. Gorgeous shot of summer! The turtle is my favorite, even if he didn't feel like making eye contact with you!

  6. Beautiful summer pictures, Joan... You live in a pretty area of the country... I like that tree 'sculpture'.... Neat!!!!!

    Love all of the photos...

    Have a great weekend.

  7. I always feel like my vision has gotten better when I come here.

  8. I love the lily! Lilies are my favorite flowers:o) We can't have them in the house though because apparently they're poisonous to cats :o(

  9. We had a strange spring here this year, we went from winter to summer and totally bypassed spring. So I am wondering if we are going straight from summer to winter, Yikes.

  10. Your photography is breathtaking. It makes me see the world anew.

  11. Lovely photos Joan...the large tree root looked like ballet dancers too! I believe the flower is blue-eye grass, it has long slender leaves...nightshade doesn't(theirs is more of along heart shape leaf.!

  12. I was just thinking to myself that this summer has gone too fast. It feels like it should still be spring to me.

  13. Love the butterfly and Joan I am not ready for the seasons to change at all, a first for me. Wonder if it is because I am getting older.
    Have a great weekend sweetie......:-) Hugs

  14. Love the photo of all the sticks in the water. It is a sculpture. How wonderful.

  15. Great photos..I love your idea of a is much like mine! Your little wildflower is Pointed Blue Eyed will be done blooming shortly..just like summer it will all be over soon:)

  16. I love that lily, beautiful shot. It is hard to believe it is August, where did the summer go? I know I have already started stockpiling photos for the dark days ahead, LOL!

  17. Brian: Thanks!

    Eva: Although we are getting tons of heat and humidity right now!

    Rainfield: Of course! Its because your name is Rainfield, silly! ha

    Cathy: I am surprised they were stressed this summer....we got plenty of rain and an early, warm spring!

    Bossy: LOL

    Betsy: thanks, Sweetie!

    Otin: What a nice thing to say! Thanks so much.

    VaBookworm: I didn't know that!

    Techno: I sure hope not.

    Susan D: Ahhhh, a very sweet thing to say! Thanks.

    Wanda: Thanks...I had no idea of that flower's name.

    Ratty: Me, too!

    Bernie: Ha...maybe it does come with age..I feel the same way.

    Writing: Thanks!

    Far Side: I love it when my readers can identify a plant for me..thanks so much.

    SquirrelQueen: yes, I hear you! I often put all the flowers on my screen saver during the white, cold winter to cheer me up. LOL


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