Thursday, July 29, 2010

June's WINNER for the PHOTO CONTEST: Theme: Flowers (finally!)

I am so sorry to all my readers
that were waiting
for the winner
of the 

I have had company for a week and haven't had a moment to go to my computer
my judges were very slow in getting back to me
in picking their winner.
Must be proof that it was a very close contest....

As you remember (or maybe NOT remember due to how tardy this post is!)
the theme was:


We had such wonderful entries again.

I could not have chosen a winner
for the life of me.

But, my judges came up with a final winner after much delay (and reminder e-mails sent to them by me)!

Let's just say
it was very,very close between three of them.

Without further delay....







The judges loved how you arranged the flowers into an interesting arrangement 
and one of them said they picked yours since it took so much creativity to make such a pretty arrangement
in the colors and shapes of the flowers in the photograph.
Close runner-ups and entries of special mention goes out to:

--Bossy Betty
--Insanity Kim

Congratulations to every one of you for your hard effort and wonderful entries...

As you can see by the comments in this blogpost (where I showed all the entries)
everyone of the entries were loved and appreciated and marveled at.

You all continue to amaze me with your photographic talents.

By the way,  I have had company and been away from my computer for a week now, so if you noticed that I haven't visited your blogs or left comments, that is the reason...

I will do my best over the next few weeks to get to your blogs and older entries and read be prepared for some late comments from me coming your way. ha

I can't bear not to read is like missing reading a chapter in my favorite novels....

Thank goodness I prepublished my own blogposts over the last two weeks, because I haven't had one second to post or download pictures to my own blog either!!

 I had such a wonderful time visiting with my 8 childhood girlfriends, that I wouldn't  have traded it for the world.

But today, (when I get done washing sheets and towels and vacuuming and maybe taking a nap or two to collapse on my couch from having my visitors :0}, I will get back to routine over the next week or so and get caught up with all my wonderful blogging friends.

Congratulations Tatyana, again...and to ALL of  you...well done!!

DON'T forget!!!!

July's PHOTO CONTEST theme

Get your photo entry into me by midnight, July 31st
(that's just a few days away!!!!!)


  1. Congrats to Tatyana on a really charming photo. So many other great ones, too. It's fun to see them all and get ideas and inspiration.

  2. Congratulations to the winner. The flower arrangement is indeed outstanding. A true winner.

  3. What a beautiful picture. I can only imagine what fun you had with your childhood friends. Those friends are always very special.

  4. Congratulations Tatyana!
    That is a beautiful photo.

  5. I'm so happy to find your blog. As an amateur photographer, you've got me thinking about what I could submit to your contest. I will become a follower of your blog and I hope you'll come be one on mine as well.

  6. Congratulations Tatyana. I know it is a busy time of year with vacations and company but it is so much fun.
    I was able to open your blog today for the first time in a few days, (not your fault....I am having many problems with blogger)I loved all the entries, the flowers are gorgeous......:-) big hugs

  7. Thank YOU and congrats to the winner! I am glad you will be roaming around our blogs again! I have missed you!

  8. congratulations! this blog is awesome contribution to blogosphere. keep it up madame.

  9. Thanks everyone for your wonderful was an awesome picture and congrats again to Tatyana.

    Curlicue: Welcome aboard! I will check out your blog asap!! And I would love it if you would submit a photo each month into my monthly contest!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: