Friday, July 2, 2010

REVISED: Here They Are: June's Photo Contest Entries!!! (and announcement of JULY's FREE PHOTO CONTEST THEME!)

I know you have been waiting!

This month, the FREE PHOTO CONTEST's theme was:

And we got some beauties!!!

SIXTEEN entries!
(I have revised this blogpost, as I had forgotten the lovely photo by Far Side that is now listed).

I thank all of you for wonderfully embracing the theme and providing us 
with fantastic shots!

So, grabba cuppa coffee (or tea!) (or Diet Coke!)
sit back,
these gorgeous flowers!!!:

This one is from Blissed Out Grandma. Her blog is called: "Blissed Out Grandma".

This one is from Biana. Her blog is called: "A Little Something Something".

This one is from SquirrelQueen. She has two blogs. One is called: "Through Squirrel Eyes" and the other is called: "The Road to Here".

This one is from Insanity Kim. Her blog is called: "A Parent's Life to Behold, A Life on Insanity and Bliss".

This one is from Lynn. Her blog is called: "For Love or Funny".

This one is from GrannyAnn. Her blog is called: "Ann Tucker Blog".

This one is from Djan. She has two blogs. One is called: "D-Janity".

This one is from Tatyana. Her blog is called: "My Secret Garden".

This is from Linda Reeder. Her blog is called: "Linda Letters."

This one is from Larry. He has two blogs. One is called: "Larry's Creative Zone" and the other one is called: "Larry's Photo a Day".

This one is from Bossy Betty. Her blog is called: "Bossy Betty".

This one is from Pat. His blog is called: "Extremely Overdue."

This one is from J.J.  Her blog is called: "JJ in L.A."

This one is from Sara. Her blog is called: "Greyt Days".

 This one is from Beth. She has two blogs. One blog is called: "Mundane and Magical" and the other blog is called: "What I Should Have Said".

This one is from Jill. She has three blogs. One is called: "A Bubble in the Stream of Consciousness", one is called: "That Disney Blog" and one is called: "Thumper Awards".

 This one is from Far Side. She has two blogs. One is called: "Far Side of Fifty" and the other is called:
"Far Side of Fifty Photos".

Weren't they FABULOUS?!!!!

You guys NEVER fail to amaze me as to your talents and your artistry!

Thank you so much for entering!

 And, if for some reason I forgot to publish an entry, if you do not see an entry you sent me in this blogpost today, CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY!  
(I think I got them all here, but it has been a busy month for me, so it is possible I skipped someone that sent in an entry!)  I sure hope not!

If I don't hear from anyone by July 7th, I will contact the judges to choose the winner....
and I will post the winner around July 15th....

Good Luck EVERYONE that entered....they are all winners in my eyes!!

THEME??? (you ask breathlessly!)

(Drum roll, please..........)

July's theme


What does this mean? (you ask)

I'll leave that up to YOU!!!

You can "freeze frame" anything or anyone in motion, or you can "blur" a shot of action/ it an animal, a person, a sport, water, you name it.....

just make sure it depicts "ACTION or MOTION".

I can't WAIT
to see
what your imagination(s) will enter!!

Now get out there and get busy.

(Yes, that means YOU!!)

You don't have to be a blogger to enter.

Just follow THESE RULES
send me your "Action/Motion" photo by midnight on July 31, 2010.


  1. These were all fantastic photos of flowers. It would be hard to pick one winner.


  2. oh my good luck with this one...each one beautiful in its own much color...

  3. Nice photos. You have a great contest each month.

  4. I am honored to be among these lovely entries!!

  5. Every single entry is gorgeous!!!

  6. Good luck choosing from those! I wondered what others would submit. Looks like most went macro with single blooms.
    Motion, huh. Hmmmmmm.

  7. Wow! The flowers are incredible!

  8. See I sent mine in so early that you forgot it:)

  9. Lot's of nice colors and photos in this one...

  10. These are GREAT, Joan... They are much better I think than last month's pictures... There are four that I really like (but most of them are good). My fav's are Pat (very very creative), Beth (beautiful lighting), Kim and Squirrel Queen.... ALL I can say is WOW.... JJ's is good too...


  11. Beth's picture is striking...excellent composition!

  12. Yikes! I've got some stiff competition. lol! These are awesome!

  13. The pictures are all gorgeous. Your judges will have a hard time finding a winner.
    Blessings, Star

  14. All of these are great again this time. They all look like winners to me. While I know you want as many entrants as you can, I didn't enter this one because I just don't have confidence in my flower photography yet. These are far and away better than anything I get. I'm going to try and learn from them with my flower photos.

  15. Fantastic entries! The judges might as well drop numbers in a hat and pick them out these are all so good, I am honored to be among them! :)

  16. Each one is beautiful. Scrolling through the entries is like strolling through a garden, all that is missing is the scent.

  17. Wow! There are a lot of GREAT pictures! Thanks for doing the contest. Now, I need to think of something for motion...

  18. HA! You found it!! Thanks! They are all beautiful:)

  19. FlowerLady: It sure WILL be hard to pick just one winner!

    Brian: I love that about flowers, don' t you? Their colors always make me happy.

    Technobabe: Thanks! I forgot one this time which made me feel so bad...but I revised the post so you will have to make sure and see Far Side's photo too.

    Bossy: I am so glad you entered!

    Joanie: It sure is!!

    Linda: It is always such fun to see what everyone enters! Motion will be fun to see too!

    Eva: They sure are!

    FarSide: Thank you SO much for letting me know I had skipped your entry when I posted...I could never "forget" your was fabulous...I guess I just didn't go down far enough in my emails to remember to include it in the post. Please accept my sincere apology..I did a separate post to let everyone know I forgot to include it and I also revised the original post so when I send it to the judges it will be right next to the other photos for judging. Good luck!!

    Pat: Yes, there are!

    Betsy: See how difficult it will be to actually pick only ONE winner?

    Jill: Yes, every one of them have an element of uniqueness!

    JJ: yes they are...yours included! I would have danced amongst the flowers in your field of flowers...that was amazing!

    Star: Oh yes they will!

    Ratty: I always enjoy your flower photos!!! Don't ever be afraid to enter....even if one enters and doesn't win, you learn by the experience and it is fun.

    Insanity: I never ask them how they pick only one winner...I just know that MOST of the time they tell me they had a real, real hard picking just one.

    SquirrelQueen: A perfect comment! I SO agree with you.

    Beth: I have such fun with the monthly contests and seeing what everyone submits...I am very anxious to see what we get with the motion/action theme too!!!

  20. I love guessing to see which one the judges will pick. I ignore mine as I can see it isn't the one, but their are a couple I am guessing they will pick. It's fun to see what they say. Great ladyslipper's.

  21. Joan these are so beautiful. All.of.them. but my heart missed a beat as I looked at the yellow rose, so pretty......:-) Hugs


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: