Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Happy Independence Day, USA!!!

Today, I am spending some time with some family and friends (houseguests)
and having an Open House after the parade
that goes right by my front door.

On July 2nd here, we had fireworks.
Our little community goes ALL OUT
for that....

I haven't processed my photos from them yet,
I am giving you some photos
from last year's fireworks.

I hope your day if full of friends, happiness
and rest.

I thank the Force for the freedom we have here in my homeland.

My ancestors fought for it.

My Dad was in three wars to protect it.

I honor, appreciate and cherish it.

How about YOU??

Happy Independence Day, everyone....
have a great weekend!!


  1. The fireworks are great.

    Happy Fourth of July!

  2. May it be a safe and happy 4th for you, too!!

  3. oh wow. these are great...heading to fireworks tonight ourselves. hope you have a great 4th!

  4. Happy Independence Day!! We cherish our freedom too and appreciate all who have served in any capacity to ensure freedom in this country remains strong.

  5. A safe and happy holiday to you and yours, Joan! And thanks for the fireworks!

  6. I hope you are having a wonderful day, my friend. Looking forward to your photos of your festivities. =)

  7. Happy 4th of July to you!!!! Hope you enjoy your day. We hope to watch fireworks tonight.

    Stay SAFE.

  8. Great firework pictures! Happy Independence Day!

  9. Happy Indepence Day!! :) Hope you enjoyed your day and weekend! Nice photos, it seems like fun!

  10. Happy Day to you too. Your pictures are wonderful. Aren't you lucky that the parade goes right past your door!
    Blessings, Star

  11. Happy 4th..
    Love the fireworks photos.
    Nice to admire them without
    the noise.

  12. Beautiful fireworks. I didn't leave the house at all today! Watched movies for hours, which was kind of fun. I was out yesterday at a lovely outdoor bridal shower which was so much fun.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: