Sunday, June 20, 2010

More of the U.P. Spring!

Today, I will still continue to show pictures of
our beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan spring
as it unfolded...

This tulip was about to bloom...but I loved the promise of all of the colors about to burst in this one~!:

A grackle in flight toward the newly sprouted leaves on the tree:

A chipping sparrow with "that look" in his eyes..
(you know the one)..
the "don't you have more SEED for me?" look!:

Every spring I await the
apple blossoms.....
here they are,
just coming out!:

A fresh tulip!:

A geese family!:

I love those fuzzy babies!:

I bet they are a handful to watch every second!!:

But, worth every second of the care they take!

In future posts, I caught closeup pictures of these little ones as they grew...
stay tuned!!!

A reminder:
Don't forget to enter the JUNE Free PHOTO CONTEST.
June's theme is:


Enter your photo by midnight, June 30, 2010
following THESE RULES.
Anyone stopping by the blog..a note to you:
you don't have to be a blogger to enter, you don't have to be a semi-pro photographer..
we do this for fun! Go ahead and send me your best flower photo...
who knows? You might just win!
And WHAT do you win?
A widget that you can proudly display forever on your blog
that says you won!


  1. so much new life...the textures in that tulips colors are amazing. hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. I love those fuzzy babies too! So darned adorable! I'd guess the parents will protect them with their lives though. No kissy-kissy for the babies ; )

  3. Oooohhh! Those geese are adorable, and we get to see pictures of the babies? You sure know how to tease. I can't wait!!!!

  4. Enjoyed your photos this hot, humid morning here. That mother with the baby geese made me wish I was there taking a swim with them.
    Have a good week.

  5. Brian: Yes, new life is a wonderful thing!! Hope you have a fantastic Father's Day, are such a good Dad I am sure they have a spectacular day planned for you.

    New England: I wanna do kissy kissy on the babies! ha But you are right, Mama Goose would attack me if I came any closer to them!

    DJan: You pictures are forthcoming soon! Sorry about the teasing, but I know you love me and will forgive me. :0}

    SouthernLady: I see on the news that you are having some sweltering heat there. We had one hot day and now it is a comfortable 70's degree day with good breezes here!

  6. Wow, that tulip is amazing. and of course the geese are adorable. Great photos, once again.

  7. Wonderful photos. I especially
    like the sparrow.

    Think the heat has already killed all of the flowers down here.
    Nice to see yours in bloom.

  8. I am just crazy about your bird pictures!

    That sparrow shot is great!

    Is that the Daddy in the back of the geese or in the front?

    Thanks for these lovely shots!

  9. Great spring time photos. I especially like the Geese. They are so darn cute!

  10. Love all your photos, you have a good eye.

  11. Rainfield: they were squawking though..probably mama goose telling the little ones to stay in line. ha


    Faye: yes, our flowers are late but at least they usually live fine and bloom fine as we don't get long periods of heat very often.

    Bossy: I have no idea how to tell the sex of a goose! anyone out there know how?

    Pat: Yes they are! I love the fuzzy chicks.

    Julie: Awww, a very nice comment, thanks!!

  12. Hi Joan, I love seeing your photos --no matter which season it is!!!! Love seeing the geese family... Can you imagine keeping up with that many babies... Yipes!!!!

    Your tulips are gorgeous... We had a good crop of them this year too--and now our lilies and daylilies are putting on a show!!!!

    Hope you have had a great Father's Day.

  13. That chipping sparrow was quite a character! Your geese photos were lovely too! I'd like to squeeze (gently of course) one of those babies! Looks like beautiful weeks of weather are ahead of us!!

  14. Awesome photos Joan!! love the close ups of the Tulips and the sparrow. The geese family is adorable!!

  15. Betsy: I have loved seeing your roses and lilies! They are gorgeous.

    Shelley: I thought of you today...we had a really nice weekend here, and I was wondering if you took Greg to the cabin for Father's Day weekend.

    Ginnymo: Thanks so much. I love geese babies!

  16. The sparrow is giving you the evil "feed me" eye, but he is cute. I adore the first show of the tulip about to bloom.

    The family of geese are just the sweetest, it would take both parents to keep up with all those babies. Wouldn't you think the chicks would follow mom and dad just keeps them rounded up?

  17. Wow, i love all these photos. So springy... Summer has begun now, kinda missing spring already.

  18. I have been following your blog for over a year and thoroughly enjoy it. This spring I have particularly liked the photos of wild flowers. Just for a heads up, I am doing a small post and will refer to your blog. Keep up the good work.

  19. SquirrelQueen: yes, those chicks follow mom and dad, but then they wander too...the mom is forever quacking at them to come to her. ha

    Biana: I love Spring here so much...after our long, long hard winters here, it is like a miracle of rebirth.

    Red: Thanks so much...I love when some of my Followers leave comments that I haven't heard from before....please keep leaving comments, I'd love that! And thanks for the shoutout on your blog...I will stop by today!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: