Friday, May 28, 2010

Ok, call me FICKLE.........

You know how, a long time ago....
I made a point
say how grateful I was to be getting a ton of awards...
but that 
I just couldn't accept 
any more of them
because it was getting difficult to pass them on, etc. etc..??

Well, sometimes exceptions 
have to be made...

I follow a lot of photography blogs
because it is my passion.

Some of the photography blogs, like my own, also have some writing 
thrown in (as writing is another passion of mine, which I really don't do much of these days).

Anyway, one of the photography blogs that is on my favorite list is authored

(He has more than one blog by the way, but if you click the link above, you can get to one 
of this blogs and he lists the others there too)...

Patrick wrote me to tell me 
that he had something for me on his blog today....

(He knows me enough to know that I can't resist a mystery, so of COURSE I had to go there to see what he was talking about).

I was delightfully surprised to see that he 
listed me amongst a list of one of his favorite 

For those of you that aren't addicted to photography, that may not mean much.

But to a blogging photographer....

he DID it.

He made me renege on my position 
to not accept any more awards....

(Not to mention he made me grin like an idiot and that he made me feel all fuzzy inside!) 
  Playing with my photography emotions...not fair, Patrick, NOT FAIR!!)  :0}
So this is his link (one more time)  and the award:

Here is what he wrote:

"I received several awards lately. I greatly appreciate them, but I'm going to break the rules, by handing out some "new" original awards.

I only ask that folks who receive these things, display them with my link attached.  No questions to answer, no five of this, or 10 of that.  Pass them on if you like, keep them to yourself if you like, or shit can them.  My own link isn't even printed on them.  No strings...

The "Shutter Bug" Award is for photography or combo blogs. I've noticed that almost all the blog bling goes to "text" dominated sites. I follow some excellent photo blogs and would like some of them to get in on the action.  A couple of them even manage to combine excellent photos with great writing. Not an easy task..."

Nice huh??? 
Love his strings....

Well, Patrick...
back atcha 
and thanks so much.

I am truly honored
(and you had me at "an award for photography"!)

And I DO want to pass it on...
so here is how I want to do it...

1. Each and every ONE of you that have entered my FREE PHOTOGRAPHY CONTESTs with a photo---please take this award...just post Patrick's award widget above (the one with his face on it) on your blog to indicate you deserve this award from him and me.

2. The photographers that I read and leave comments on your blog (you know who you are!): consider this award  yours too...especially the professional photographers too (Ashely and Susanne, you know I mean you two also!) And Squirrel Queen, and Betsy and Shelley and Cathy, DVM's wife, and Jientje, and Meirsi and L.D. and Ginny, and Catherine, and Far Side.... Eva and Ratty, this means you along with so many others..(I know I am overlapping with those that enter my photo contests here too)...but I especially want to mention those that are professional photographers that normally can't enter my amateur photo contests...please accept this award for providing me with constant wonderful images.

By the way, if you go to Patrick's blog today, he lists some new photography blogs as receiving this same award....I know I will be checking them all out!



You know what??
Sometimes it feels really good to be fickle.

Thanks again Pat.


  1. congratulations on a well deserved award...

  2. Congratulations sweetie, a very well deserved award, I haven't seen a picture of yours I haven't absolutely loved.....:-) Hugs

  3. Whoo Whoo....
    I thought I had Squirrel Queen on my list as well...I must be getting old...
    your site is indeed awesome!
    thanks for accepting the award...

  4. Oh yes! You do deserve this! love your writing and pics!

  5. It's about time someone gave you an award, since you can't compete in your own contests...because you'd win!


  6. Gosh! You're so fickle! lol Congrats! :oD

  7. Congrats on the award Joan.

    Isn't Pat a sweetheart, I just came over here from his blog. I will thank both of you for this award.

    Speaking of photos, I will get one out to you tomorrow for this month's contest.

    Hope you are have a great weekend. I heard your daughter and the new baby were in town. Have fun.

  8. How wonderful to receive such a lovely award from a fellow photographer! Well deserved, absolutely!

  9. Pat and everyone: Thanks so much!!!! It is my pleasure to be able to share with all of you any images that nature so abundantly provides and that I am compelled to photograph!

  10. You deserve it! Hugs and congratulations!!!

  11. Congrats Joan... You SO deserve this award ... AND --thanks for listing my little blog as one of your fav's. I don't feel like I'm in the same league as you or Judy or Patrick... BUT---I enjoy all of yours!!!!!

    Thanks again.

  12. Congrats to you on the award. It is so deserving. You and your camera are an artistic creative team that can not be rivaled.

  13. Thanks again EVERYONE!!!! It was such a nice thing for Pat to do.

  14. Congratulations! You certainly deserve this award. I want to tell you that I think your blog is so beautiful and interesting. I am so thankful that I found it. I just spent the last 20 minutes here. I will be back.

  15. Just a little: Thanks so much...I am so happy you stopped by and look forward to your comments!!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: