Saturday, May 29, 2010

April 2010 Florida Photos: Part THREE (More of Harry)

Today, I am back to showing you some more of the many, many photos I took while we were recently
in Florida.

As you know...
I am totally, hopelessly and utterly
in love
with all of Florida's
tropical birds.

On this trip, we stayed across the street from the ocean
yet on a causeway.
We loved our little hotel and with the economic cost
and perfect location,
we had a surprise delight.

As mentioned a few posts ago, we had the pleasure of
three tropical birds visiting us several times a day
right at the tiny little pool
where we sunbathed.

The fisherman on the causeway had no doubt tamed them
by feeding them bait or fish remains after cleaning the fish
I didn't care HOW they got tamed...
I was just glad they were.

We had three that visited us.
A great heron I named Harry, a large Ibis I called Herbie
a smaller Ibis I called Howie.

Don't tell them....
but Harry, the Great Heron
was my favorite.

Here, the Great Herons are very shy and it is a thrill to even SEE one, much less get a photo of one.

So, when Harry showed up, I was beside myself!!

So today, I devote the entire post to my new friend Harry.

Here he is just hanging out at the pool:
(Isn't he GORGEOUS???)

Help me Rhonda!

at his face!!:
He "had me" when I saw that long, single feather sprouting from the back of his head.

He KNEW he was beautiful.

He was forever
primping himself.

he had bugs.

(Let's not think about that now.)

Love is blind.
My Harry would NEVER have bugs....

Here he is at his favorite past-time: primping:
Notice he didn't remove the feather sticking out of his side.
I like that about Harry.
He likes a "signature look".

Did I mention that ONE HEAD FEATHER that hangs long on the back of his head yet?:

You're kinda fallin' for him too,
aren't you?

You can't have him.

He's MINE!!

With his signature look:


I know he's a goof....

primping all the time:
(Warning: Small children and people over 30: do NOT try that position at home!)

Help me Rhonda (again!)

Look at his head crest!!:
(I am IN LOVE.  Even if he is itchy and scratches himself all the time....Don't most men?)

I repeat. Do NOT try this at home:

My husband knows about Harry and I.

He is extremely tolerant of that kind of thing.

He knows to keep me, he has to share me with Harry.

And he knows me so well, that he let me have a few moments alone with Harry
before we left Florida.

I was very sad.
I think even Harry had a tear in his eye...

oh wait....
that might have been a bug......

What. Ever.

I told him I would be back to see him again.
And, I will...
I can't help myself.



  1. I can see why you were smitten! He is beautiful!

  2. Harry the Heron Hangin' at the Pool. Sounds like a short story title. He is a pretty cool dude with the tail feather hanging down his head. I can see why you have a crush on him.

  3. I really appreciate your wonderful bird photos. I think it has to be such a unique experience to be able to have them so tame and close to you. I know birds do communicate with people as my cockatiels love to come up close to my face and chatter away at me.

  4. The photographs are amazing and it is clear that you are smitten. Have you ever considered, though, that Harry may have a nagging spouse and that this is his escape, a day by the pool where he gets to play boy model for an adoring paparazzi who only ooohs and aaahs over him and doesn't demand that he get out there and bring home fish to feed the family!

  5. I loved your first group of Fl pictures but this guy, again, can I just hug it. And the signiture feather is indearing. Giggle. Nice to be back. Been busy enjoying the garden.

  6. Hi..

    Thanks for your comments on my blog.
    Pat Tillett is simply amazing.

    I checked out your blog .. WOW..
    such great photos. I will definitely follow.
    I enjoy photo blogs and
    admire those bloggers that write.
    That is not my forte, so I usually keep words to a minimum.

    Hope the weekend is going smoothly
    with lots of photo ops.


  7. Gorgeous! Oh! I can see why you fell in love! So nice of him to pose for you.

  8. "I'm just wild about Harry and Harry's wild about me" Great photo's my friend as always...Hugs

  9. Fantastic bird, spectacular photos, really enjoyed this post!

  10. Well for goodness sakes, Joan... Why didn't you just fold him up and stick him in your backpack??? He'd love it in the Upper Peninsula---don't you think???? He knows that you would take good care of him --and in those cold winters, you would give him an extra blankie for his bed. I cannot believe you left him down there...... My My !!!!!!! ha ha

    Great post...

  11. Eva: I am so glad you understand...some people would think me crazy~ ha

    Technobabe: Yes, completely smitten!

    L.D.: Yes, it was fun...he came quite often.

    RNSane: If he has a nagging spouse, it's okay...I'll take him whenever she doesn't want him. ha

    Carol: I would have hugged him too if he would let me. Harry plays hard to get. That's how those men are!

    Faye: So glad you stopped by and that we can be blogmates. ha I love looking at other photographer's blogs..such inspiration!

    Bossy: He posed all day long, several times a day!

    Bernie: I remember that song! How cute..I don't know why I didn't think about that when I wrote the are so cute!

    Diane: I am so glad! Stop by again soon!

    Betsy: If I could have, I would have...he would have been a harrysicle in the north!

  12. Great photos, both Florida and Michigan. Such sharp definition!

    Don't think I've ever seen so many G.B.Heron close-ups!

  13. Oh Joan, he is so darned handsome. I see Herons all the time in the spring but never that close. What an absolute looker! Nice job bringing him to us!

    And yes, he does have bugs. Mites.

  14. Thank you for visiting my blog and making a comment! You are definitely a gifted bird photographer! These are great shots! Keep up the good work!

  15. These closeup pictures of the heron are wonderful. I'm glad Harry was so helpful. You're right about them being so shy around here. I've seen a few now, but I can never get very close.

  16. fantastic photography. excellent work. thank you for your visit and kind comment

  17. Yes, all is GORGEOUS!!!
    I respect your wonderful photography...

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

    From the Far East.
    Best regards.

  18. Banjo: Thanks so much, please keep stopping by!

    New England: Yes, I figured mites. But I am in denial. ha I STILL can't get over the shots you took with the roses, coastline and birds the other day..just breathtaking!

    Mike:Thanks for stopping by! I am so glad you did...I'll be stalking your blog and hope you visit mine often too. ha

    Ratty: Aren't they magnificent? Their long feathers, wide wingspans and hair feather! wow.

    Vaggelis: Oh, thanks so much for stopping by!! I'll be watching your blog lots..hope you return here too!

    Ruma: you are most welcome...I will be there often and hope you come back a lot here, too!!

  19. Αγαπητή μου φίλη, μόλις τώρα μπήκα για πρώτη φορά στο πανέμορφο blog σου! Εξαιρετικές οι φωτογραφίες του πτηνού! Ακόμα δεν είδα πάρα κάτω, θα ψάξω και τις υπόλοιπες αναρτήσεις σου και θα σχολιάσω. Δεν ξέρω αν η μετάφραση του Google θα δείξει ακριβώς τί σου λέω, μερικές φορές βγάζει αστεία αποτελέσματα! Σε ευχαριστώ και πάλι και για τα δικά σου σχόλια. Γράφτηκα αναγνώστης και σε κάνω link και στο δικό μου blog. Θα τα λέμε...

  20. Dimitris: I wish I knew your language to know what you wrote. :0}

  21. Oh wow, handsome Harry is absolutely gorgeous. Like you, we rarely see heron here and then only at a distance. Great close up shots Joan, what am amazing opportunity. I love his signature look and the long hanging feather.

  22. Dawn: Thanks so much!

    SquirrelQueen: Yes, I loved Harry! Loved those feathers, especially the long ones that look like hair!

  23. He is a rather strange looking fellow but I see where you can get attached to him.

  24. Ann: yes, he was oddly gorgeous. ha

  25. Ooooh yes, and I can see why!

  26. just love your sense of humor! The photos are fantastic too. I love photos of birds. You got several excellent ones of this heron. We have blue herons in Washington state and they are not as shy but not as pretty either.


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