Sunday, April 11, 2010

We have a WINNER for the March's Photo Contest!!!!

As you know, I am now hosting a FREE monthly PHOTO CONTEST.

March's theme was:
"Something Green or Something Irish".

If you missed my blogpost which had the entries that were entered,
please click HERE.

We had THIRTEEN entries, and they were fantastic.

I want to thank each and every one of you that entered.

This month's judges were from Savannah, Georgia.

And they picked:

(drumroll, please......................)


Congratulations to JUDY who has two blogs.
Her blogs are named: Through Squirrel Eyes, and The Road to Here.

If she sounds familiar, she also won February's contest too!

Special mention this month also goes to Kim and Loree who came close to winning too!!

So, c'mon folks....
roll up your sleeves and enter APRIL's FREE PHOTO CONTEST!
It's fun just to see what you can come up with!!!

April's theme is:
"Rain, Fog, Mist or Dark Skies"
Please follow THESE RULES
and enter by midnight, April 30th, 2010.


  1. And a pretty one it is! You represent very well Judy. I'm so happy to see green again : )


  2. New England: Me too! I love the green back..and I also congratulate Judy..she is giving all the other contestants a run for their money every month! ha

  3. really a wonderful just breathes spring...

    happy sunday!

  4. Very nice job, Judy! I guess I'll have plenty of fog and mist pictures to choose from this month!

  5. A well deserved winner! LOVELY!!

  6. Very vivid color! Nice photo. I wish that my pictures turned out so good!

  7. Brian: yes it does! Love all the ones submitted this month..that green!

    DJan: Everybody that submitted pictures this month did such a great job..I loved each and every one and was glad I wasn't a judge. Please keep submitting some. I thought of you when I said fog because you have so many gorgeous fog pictures of your hikes.

    Jientje: yes, but so are all the many of them were gorgeous..I love hosting this monthly contest just to see what photos everyone submits..please keep submitting some!

    Otin: You need to submit some photos too! Don't be intimidated...everyone loves to see what everyone else submits to fit the never know, you just might hit the right one to be a winner one month!

  8. Congratulations to the winner. I would not want to be a judge. The photos are too good to pick one.

  9. Just visited Judy's site....I already see a potential winner for the April contest, LOL. If we get some rain around here, I'll definitely be out there shooting...I was surprised to find that I have zero rain/fog/dark skies photos in my files! Your contest is a good reason to try something new.

  10. Well --that is great that my friend Judy won again!!!! She does take marvelous pictures --just like YOU do. Both of you are inspirations to me!!!


  11. Technobabe: They were...almost all of them were my favorites. lol

    BlissedoutGrandma: That is what I was hoping..that folks would be inspired to go out and try and get a good isn't really important that one is important to get a theme and get out there and try and capture an image of it! I will look forward to what you enter for April!

    Betsy: Aren't you sweet! Hey, you take some pretty awesome photos, are an inspiration too!

  12. Love it! Really suits this time of year!

  13. Thank you Joan and be sure to thank the judges for me. I love everyone's entries and would have had a heck of a time picking a winner.

    I hope you get at least twice as many entries for this month's theme.

  14. Congrats to Judy. Why, I am honoured to hear I was close to winning. It's a surprise.

  15. Bossy: yes! the epitomy of spring!

    Insanity: Yes, congrats to it will be interesting to see what both of you (and everybody else too) submits for April's contest...keep entering!!!

    SquirrelQueen; Me too..thanks so much for adding to everyone's pleasure by entering every month.

    Loree: Yours was wonderful, too...everybody that entered this month gave it their all and I sure appreciated them entering...keep entering every month!!

    Far Side: Yes, indeed! Weren't all the entries wonderful???

  16. Congrats Judy. There were some great photos.

  17. I love this pic, it's so beautiful! P.s. Congrats and I hope you get to see that new grand baby soon!!

  18. Congratulations to Judy. She really does excellent work on all of her photos.

  19. Ann: They were all wonderful, I agree with you!

    Sara: Thanks honey...we are counting the days!

    Ratty: yes, she does...but don't let that intimidate you! I expect an entry again from you this month, Ratty. :0}


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: