Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This and That: The last of winter (we hope!)

Today, I thought I would share some "left over" shots taken in March
since our snow has now melted. (Although we did get a day of snow back on April 8th!!)

But I didn't want to forget to show you these "left over" winter photos.

The snow is  melting on the branches, one drop at a time.  I just love droplet photos:

This plant was green under the snow!:

Snow on a tree that fell into the fast moving river:

Dusk at the melting lake:

Fog on the lake:

Remnants of autumn:

A small waterfall:

A closeup of the first green of the spring season:

What's left of a bee's nest:

Foggy morning at our lake:

Lonely boat in winter fog:

Buds awaiting spring:

More drops on the branch:

Like you, I await Spring back with open arms....
but I will remember the past winter's beauty with fond memories....
Nature doesn't make mistakes......it only gives us wonder.

We have a NEW photo contest for April for you to enter!
April's theme is:

Follow the RULES HERE to enter. It's easy!
and enter by midnight, April 30th.
You don't have to be a blogger to enter!


  1. WOW, Joan. I loved the foggy morning at the lake shot. Just breathtaking! And the photo contest intrigues me...you've gotten me looking forward to some rain, fog, mist, and dark skies...

  2. Now I know what inspired you for the new contest! Loved these!

  3. love it...the capture of the waterfall is magnificent...and the green plant like springs breath. the tree with snow in the river is nice as well...

  4. Wow, that last picture of the boat in fog is so beautiful. They are all wonderful, but I just love that one.

  5. I always have such a hard time trying to figure out which one of your photos I like the best because they are all so good. I love the one with the boat and the waterfall and the fog, etc., etc,lol.

  6. Lynn: Yay, then my plot worked. ha I want to get folks outside when most complain about the weather to get some shots and see the beauty even in an "ugly" day.....

    Jientje: I love fog, but it is hard to photograph in it....I can't wait to see what everyone submits this month!

    Brian: I am so glad you liked all of those....my favorite one was the green plant and the boat in the fog. :0}

    DJan: That one was one of my own favorites too...and it was just sitting at the end of my street. I love finding good shots in the "ordinary".

    SouthernLady: Don't you just make my day!!! Love it!

  7. Gorgeous!!

    Joan, my friend, you should google HDR Photography. It is wicked awesome, and I think you'd really enjoy seeing a whole new style of pictures. We're attempting it right now but we have a crap camera.

  8. The droplets, though small, but are magnificient.

  9. HI Joan, Love that last statement (Nature doesn't make mistakes.... it only gives us wonder)... Your photos make that statement so true...

    My favorite picture is Dusk at the melting lake... That lighting is absolutely perfect.

    The snow on the stree in the water looks like a Snow Gator climbing that tree.. ha


  10. Oh yeah, Dusk at the Melting Lake is great. So is Lonely Boat in Winter Fog. Really nice.

  11. They are all wonderful photos, but my favorite is the melting lake.

  12. Kearsie: I will google it asap. I just bought the Mother of all cameras...a Canon DSLR 50d and am now spending my entire retirement monies on some wicked lens....now, I gotta figure out how to use it. ha

    Rainfield: I love droplet photos!

    Betsy: thanks so much, you give me such encouragement!

    Technobabe:Thanks!! I love "moody" pictures too, can you tell?

    Eva: Thanks, honey..I like the boat one the best, but it is fun taking them in the fog....!!

  13. Beautiful shots! I love the rhododenron. Mine may come back (it's touch and go around here!).
    Spring is the best!

  14. Okay! No more snow pictures!!! haha

  15. Wow, gorgeous photos of the fog and mist. I love the one with the boat. It won't be long before you will have some spring photos for us. BTW, I think your bee's nest belonged to some wasps. It made for a great photo.

  16. Very beautiful photos. I would pick a favorite, but they are all a tie as the best.

  17. Jenn: I love spring too...love seeing all the life returning everywhere!

    Otin: you never know around here...we could STILL get snow! ha

    SquirrelQueen: yes, I am sure it was a wasp nest..I don't know why I said bee's nest?

    Ratty: now, aren't you just so sweet?

  18. All the photos are sooo beautiful but my favourite one is the one of the boat in the fog. There is something almost ghostly about it.

  19. You have the best winter photos ever, Joan. Loved the waterfall and the foogy morning scenes. Perfect way to end winter!

  20. Ann: Yes, it is time I said goodbye to the winter photos and move on to the spring ones, right????

  21. Loree: I liked that one the most too. thanks so much.

    Wanda: Thanks for all your wonderful compliments on my photos...you always motivate me to take more!

  22. These photos are so beautiful. I really like the fog on the lake. However I love the reflection in the water drop. It would be perfect for Weekend Reflections.

  23. James: Thanks so much! I see that series that everyone does for weekend reflections...I will have to look into that!

  24. Winter?? Snow?? Good lord woman, it's April! Down here in Texas we're storing our long-sleeved shirts and getting out the bathing suits. Your pictures are gorgeous as always, though. You have such an eye for beauty.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: