Friday, January 22, 2010

More Local Police Reports!!

It is time again for more LOCAL POLICE REPORTS! along with MY COMMENTS:

1. Okay. That was ME.

2. Not really. (But it could have been).

3. Wonder who called this into the police? The neighbors? The neighbors five blocks away? (Because if it was me, they'd hear me five blocks away).

4. No. Wait. I wouldn't have screamed. I would have dragged my camera out and tried to take a macro of the bug.

5. Maybe taking the macro WHILE SCREAMING.

6. Did they arrest her?

7. Or the bug?


  1. I think I heard you over here, across the country. But the question is, did you get a good macro?? :-)

  2. DJan: Hahahaaaa I'd give it a good try! I gotta have blog material, don't I?

  3. Coulda' been me, too. I hate bugs!

  4. lol. that was rich...wonder if the bug got away?

  5. How Funny, Joan.... Must have been a slow-police-report day, huh????? I love reading these things because they are so hard to believe.


  6. Eva: I KNEW it was you. :-}

    Brian: No..he's a "bug at large".hhaaaaaaa

    Betsy: I crack up whenever I read them because there is usually one off-the-wall report in it.

  7. It's good that you post a picture of the actual newspaper report - otherwise I'd have a hard time believing these! lol

  8. HAHHAHA! It was you AND me! You screaming because the bug spit at you as you tried to get a macro shot, me because the battery died in my camera and DANG! That bug is skeeeeeery!

  9. It wasn't me, I spent all summer chasing them around trying to get photos.

    Heard one on the police scanner the other day. A gal called 911 to report that another driver had flipped her off. Even the cops couldn't figure out what she expected them to do.

  10. For the police to come out, you would have to have a giant beer in your hand, not a camera. I've seen the giant beer thing before. It was definitely not a good sight. :D

  11. Lesley: Yes, that is exactly why I put the actual picture..they are SO bizarre.

    Insanity: Yes, we would look like Lucy and Ethel, without a doubt. ha

    SquirrelQueen: Well, don't you know? The police were SUPPOSED to go over there and break their middle finger and give them a ticket. (Good grief!)

    Ratty: I am SURE your police reports there would not be funny---but tragic! :-P


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