Friday, January 8, 2010

Florida Vacation Pictures: Part Seven

Another installment of the many, many photos I took in Florida in December!
Let's get to it, then, should we?

Who could not fall in love with a face like THIS?:


He might need a nose job.

But I can overlook that, because that's what makes him so unique.

I also fell in love with this light that was outside our hotel on the beach:

Somehow, I didn't think I could fit it on the plane if I took it home.

Plus, I don't think it quite goes with a log home decor.

Here is a shot at night on the beach side of the hotel.

They decorated the palm trees with lights for Christmas:

Another shot of my favorite Florida bird.
(Shhh, don't tell the others I said that):

And the west coast of Florida never disappoints you for sunset opportunities:

And these guys are too adorable:

But if you are talking strikingly handsome?

Sorry, he still wins:

Unless you are into reptily things.
Then I guess this guy would be more your type:

To me, I just couldn't NOT take a photo of this lady strolling with her arms folded in front of her and her long flowing dress:

And the clouds formed in front of the setting sun:

Bringing a close to another beautiful day in Florida....


  1. you just keep painting the most amazing scenes with your lense. those sunsets are amazing. the one with the lady...nice. the close up of the pelican...

  2. I LOVE those crew cut birds in the water. I wonder what they are? Another fantastic bunch of pictures, Joan. How many more do we have?

  3. Wow!! You are having such a good photography skill. All the pictures are well taken and beautiful.

    I love that lady with long flowing dress, but please don't tell her too.

  4. I love that sunset, Joan! And who doesn't love Pelicans...(is that what he is?)

  5. I think in another life you took photos for National Geographic. Awesome!

  6. Brian: Thank you so much, Brian...and you paint them with your words! Isn't life great???

    DJan: I have several more...are you bored yet? ha

    Rainfield: Yes...I saw her in the sunset and HAD to take her photo. She was too far away to get her permission, and since you can't see her face, I guess it was okay. :-}

    Lynn: I am smitten with BOTH of them (pelicans and sunsets) so there is plenty of them in my Florida posts, for sure!

  7. You have such a great appreciation for the beauty of the pelican. They are such wonderful portraits. It is nice to see the sun also.

  8. You are an amazing photographer!

  9. Wow!! What awesome photos Joan!! Those sunsets are amazing. I love that one with the woman walking. Very professional photography!! I have to catch up on all your Florida posts. I'm behind a bit....Thanks for always leaving comments on mine. I really appreciate it!! Hugs!!

  10. I love the sunsets but am finding it harder and harder to choose a favorite among your wonderful shots Joan......Florida does look beautiful......have a great week end my friend, luv ya....:-) Hugs

  11. Beautiful, beautiful beautiful!!! Love the clouds and the setting sun!

  12. Kearsie: Now you really know how to make a girl happy! Thanks, sweetie!

    L.D.: Yes, we all need happy photos during this gray, cold time of year.

    Eva: Thanks so much! You made my day along with Kearsie's comment!

    Ginnymo: So glad you liked them!

    Bernie: No need to pick a favorite. I am happy you stop by my blog so often..It is so fun to know I have a friend out there who "visits" me every day! Love to you and you have a great weekend too!

    Jeanette: Thanks! It is so nice to see the sun and a beach when you look out and see snow and cold, isn't it?

  13. Hi There, I've caught up on your last 3 blog posts and have enjoyed your Florida vacation very much. You take some beautiful pictures. Right now--at about 15 degrees here, I NEED a Florida vacation.

    ALTHOUGH ---I will admit that I wouldn't appreciate Christmas down there. It's just not the same!!!! ha


  14. OK. You win...the pelicans ARE kinda cute. The first one looks like he has tufts of cotton instead of feathers!!! Wonderful shots as always. I agree about the light; very unique but it wouldn't have fit in the overhead. Hope to see more!!

  15. My first Wow came as I scrolled down to the close up of the pelican, then the wows just continued as I scrolled. Gorgeous sunsets and I love pelicans too!

  16. The two sunset photos really speak to me tonight...I can hear the waves and smell the salt air and feel the warmth. And the woman walking through the photo is great.

  17. Fantastic photos! I need to go to the beach sometime when it starts warming up... I've yet to do many beach photos with my camera.

    I've given your blog an award! Stop by if you can!

  18. You had a very productive trip to Florida. I love the closeups of the pelicans. I never knew what interesting colors and patterns they had on their feathers.

  19. Betsy: No, Christmas is not the same down there, but it is nice in a different kind of way. Just ONCE I would like to be able to decorate the outside of my house without getting cold and miserable for Christmas. ha

    Cathy: Thanks for seeing a little of the beauty I see in the Pelicans. ha I see that Texas is going to get quite a few more days of brutal weather...geez, you just can't catch a break on your "winter of warmth" plans, can you?

    SquirrelQueen: That is how I felt when I saw those things in person...just one wow after another. ha

    BlissedOut: How nice of you to say! Although if you look close, the lady in the flowing dress had her arms crossed in front of her to fend off the chill in the sea was only about 60 when it was taken...but hey, 60 degrees is a LOT more warm than most of us are getting this week! ha

    VaBookworm: How sweet of you! I will be by sometime today to read your blog, as always!!

    Ratty: That is what I love so much about getting closeups of birds...the subtleties of their feather colors and textures! Thanks!

  20. I had to skim past the bird pictures and focus on the sunset one. LOL I have a terrible bird phobia and can't even stand to look at them!

  21. I LOVE the hairdo of the seagulls. Awesome!

  22. Julie: Bummer, because I LOVE birds and take lots of photos of them and do lots of blogposts about them. When did this start for you? Did you have childhood trauma with birds?

    Jientje: I loved those seagulls..I haven't seen them until we went to Florida!

  23. The crew cut birds are really cute.

  24. Your pelican is a marvelous shot, Joan! And that women in her long dress was maybe a bride? Is that possible? It looks like for me...

    I enjoy your Florida vacation in your great photos.

  25. Susanne: thanks! Nope, she wasn't a bride. It was taken around 5:15pm at night and people were strolling around the beach, waiting for the sun to set. She was just walking all by herself, but I noticed a few hotels down, she had a guy hand her a jacket when he met her. She had her arms folded in front of her and she was rubbing her bare arms for warmth as she was walking the beach. I think she had a gauze-like coverup over a swimsuit on...but I loved the transparency and flowing skirt in the sunset and wind for the shot.


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