Thursday, January 7, 2010

Florida Vacation Photos: Part Six

This is the 6th of a series of photos I took in Florida in December.
If you haven't seen the other five parts, just drop down from this blogpost and have fun!

One of the things I was waiting for was to see some Christmas decorations in Florida.
Most of my life, I have always been where there is snow for Christmas.
I was surprised that many of the homes did NOT have decorations up.
But I did see this:

I loved the large sized ornaments on it.

Here is closeup of it:

We took some neighborhood walks away from the main drive by the ocean and were delighted with the pretty flowers we saw:

I loved the swirly growth of this plant:

And the different palm trees really led to some fun black and white versions of them.
I loved this one because the leaves had such a feathery pattern to them:

So many wonderful colors of flowers in the yards:

And, if one got lonesome for pine-like plants, they had some of those too.
I loved these with the little green "pearls" was like a teeny Christmas tree with its own green ornaments hanging from it!:

I saw HIM:
Just hanging out.
I love that about Florida birds.
So exotic, yet they are everywhere...parking lots, yards, trees....
I would go crazy if I lived here year round, snapping them all!

Wonderful red and green colors for Christmas:

and purple and red!:

And this strange prickley root
with a bug on it:

Looks like the bug
wasn't having such a merry Christmas.


Hope you liked the flower pictures this time of year.
Seeing flowers when all you have is white outside is uplifting
a reminder of what spring will bring us Northerners....


  1. nice christmas tree! lol. these are remarkable. i love all the flora in florida...maybe thats where the name came from eh? the twisty plant is really cool!

  2. You captured some beautiful shots. Love those vibrant colors.

  3. Your photos are just great. I have enjoyed seeing them all. I love the pelican pictures. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. It is snowing here this morning and in the teens. Sure does make me think of summer!

  4. Brian: Thanks so much. I love the tropical plants and birds too because of their exotic different than where I grew up.

    Sherry: So nice of you to stop by again..I have missed you! Thanks for the nice compliments on my pictures.

  5. These are fantastic! I haven't been around much of late so will have to go back and see all the other 5 posts of your photos.

    Absolutely love the bare tree with the giant ornaments!

  6. The big red flower looks like a Hibiscus, national flower of Malaysia.

  7. Thanks, I needed this! What great pictures, loved the post...

  8. All I can see is white blowing snow. It is so neat to see all of the color in Florida. I really like the closeups and the bird.

  9. I love the shot of the pink and white hibiscus! It's beautiful! :oD

  10. These are all so pretty and I especially loved the tree with all the bulbs on camera is really messed up not only does it show me no pictures it now won't allow me to take pictures. Am taking it in next week to be fixed. I have your picture framed and I just love it, I wanted to share it with everyone but haven't been able to get a photo yet....have a wonderful day my friend......luv ya.....:-) Hugs

  11. That caterpillar, ewww!!!!!
    I enjoyed your pictures, as always!

  12. I look forward to these Florida pictures everyday to try to banish these snowy blues I have!

  13. You cheered up my day! It is so cold and dreary here, I loved looking at the bright colors on the flowers, I felt warm!!

  14. I think these are my favorite pictures so far...gorgeous!!!

  15. SouthernLady: Yes, it helps me to think of summer too and reminds me it will return.

    Gaston: I loved those large ornaments too!

    Rainfield: I believe it WAS a hibiscus...those are such a wonderful national flower.

    Joycee: Thanks!

    L.D.: We are in the same boat...I like looking at the Florida pictures and remembering the color there.

    VaBookworm: Thanks...all of the hibiscus we saw were sooo pretty there.

    Bernie: What a bummer about your camera! I hope it isn't too expensive to fix and I hope they can recover the photos you had in its memory. It would be like losing one of my arms if my camera was broken..just like when my computer was down. I am so glad you love your picture!

    Eva: Ditto here.

    Jientje: That wasn't a catapiller, silly! :-) That was a root with spikes all over it, but there was a bee stuck on the root in the picture.

    Lucy and Dick: Even for me, relooking at the photos brings me joy to see the plants and birds again.

    Sara: Glad I can help. I like relooking at them too!

    JJ: So glad you liked them!

  16. My Christmas season in Hawaii was cool as there were many Christmas decorations and it was strange to not see the spruce or pine tree decorated. It was the first time I saw rope lights and they were very effective when they were wrapped around palm trunks.It's an experience I will never forget.

  17. Love the Christmas tree, that is very creative. Beautiful flowers and "He" is magnificent. Your photos are a great break from our foggy weather.

  18. Red: You are new to my blog, no? Did you sign on yet as a Follower? I would LOVE that! Do you live in Hawaii? That is one place I haven't visited yet, and I want to go there. I am sure Christmas must be so lovely there!

    SquirrelQueen: Glad you like them...I figure this time of year, looking at flowers can only help! :-}

    Loree: Yes, they were! And to think when I was there it was their "winter" so not near as many were in bloom as during their spring and summer!

  19. Seeing all of the different flowers and plants is fun. So many interesting things there. I like the plant with the little green ornaments.

  20. Ratty: I thought they looked like little green pearls or Christmas ornaments on that plant. My husband asked why I was taking that photo...and I told him: wait until you see the will love it...and he did! :-}

  21. Oh (Florida) Christmas tree... that's the way we do this

    Nice shots, pretty colors and beautiful flowers!

  22. Susanne: Thanks! I sure loved those huge ornaments hanging on the bare branches on that tree. I would've taken a ton more photos, but I think they were home and I didn't want to get arrested for trespassing. My hubby was nervous as it was when I stoppped on the sidewalk to take some shots of it. :-)


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