Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sunrise at Lake Michigamme!

I couldn't sleep one night, so I went out in the Great Room (which faces the lake) to sleep.

Something made me wake up really early.

I think God tapped me on the shoulder and pointed out to the lake.

Because THIS
is what I saw:

The only thing I love more than sunsets,



As the sun came up, it turned from orange to pink and purple:

And turned my yard into a frosted wonderland of pastel pinks and purples.
And the lake? It was strawberry milk:

Looking off my deck to the left, more of the lake in color:
I hope you get to see many sunrises in your life, too!
Sunrises are promises of a new beginning...


  1. We had a wonderful sun rise here in Ohio on Tuesday, which I too blogged about! Yours at the lake is beautiful Joan!

  2. Your pictures are beautiful -It's definetly worth getting up to see those sunrises -of course sunsets are equally beautiful.

  3. I think God really wanted you to take that picture, it is so beautiful, I have never seen a sunrise like that before

    Have a great day

  4. Beautiful! Although, I think we should cut down all those pesky trees that get in the way of your sunrises and sunsets! :)

  5. You know one of the things that made moving so far away from home was seeing that He certainly paints the sky my favorite colors wherever I am, helping me know He's there. The beauty of the sky sure lifts my spirit!!!

  6. Wow. Simply wow. The most beautiful sunrise colors ever. I am so glad that you, proud owner of a great camera, get these sunrises because then, well, so do I.

  7. What a beautiful sight to wake up to. I love all the pinks!

  8. The colors are amazing. Truly inspiring. Yep, I think God wanted you to see this and share it with those of us who didn't see it.

  9. The layers of colour are magnificent. You are a "millionaire".

  10. ohmigosh!! God got out all his crayons that morning!!!! Beautiful!!

  11. I've NEVER missed a sunrise.
    Sunsets , on the other hand, I do occasionally in the stays light toooo long in Michigan!

  12. Great post and oh so gorgeous!!!! I love sunrises and sunsets also. When George and I were on a cruise, we got up every morning to see the sunrise and then watched the sunset every evening. When we got home, we had probably 200 pictures just of sunrises and sunsets---many of which looked just alike... Glad we had a 'time stamp'--or we wouldn't have known which was a sunrise and which was a sunset... ha ha

    I like both sunrises and sunsets--but don't usually get up early enough in the mornings to see the sunrise. OH Well!!!!


  13. There are some amazing colours in that sunrise. Thanks for sharing them.

  14. Eva: It was so pretty in person, these pictures can't even do it justice.

    Wanda: I will go to your blog and read about your sunrise too!

    Vickie: I so agree. Last summer there were several wonderful sunsets here on the lake...I took several shots from our will have to go to my Lijit search engine on the right side of my blog and put in "lake sunsets" and see some too.

    Sara: I woke up just like someone shook my arm out of a dead sleep. Isn't that weird?

    Lynn: No, I love the trees down there...they bring me birds and I love them...not to worry..if I want clear pictures of the lake, I just walk down the path and get them there, where the trees don't block the way. ha

    Insanity: Yes, no matter how "down" someone feels, when you see a sunrise or a sunset, you realize there is a much bigger plan and the beauty makes you forget your troubles.

    DJan: You are always saying the sweetest things!

    Catherine: Yes, it was all about the pinks and purples that was amazing.

    Cathy: I wish I could have captured how truly breathtaking it was in person.

    Rainfield: Yes, I hit the lotto with the nature that exists in our area...and it truly is the richest reward in life isn't it?

    Roshni: Or maybe His watercolors? ha

    Sue: Wow, you must really get up early. Not me. Now that I am retired, I get up around the crack of Nine. ha At night in the summer here, I don't go to bed until midnight or so...I love being outside until 10p or so then.

    Betsy: Me neither, now that I am retired...I get up around the crack of nine. ha The same thing happened the last time I was in Florida...I took sunset pictures every night and when I got back, they all did kind of look alike because there weren't many clouds. I love it when there are clouds during a sunset because then you have a variation in colors and shapes.

    Alan: Glad you liked them, thanks for visiting my blog so faithfully and leaving such encouraging comments!

  15. That's it! I'm moving to U.P! LOL!!

    P.S. The hubby & I are going to be at the cabin for 3 weeks from mid-december on. I would love to take a drive up to the U.P. and meet up w/ you for coffee. Keep it in mind!!

  16. Beautiful - I like the comparison to strawberry milk.. We've had some awesome sun shows in Minnesota too!

  17. Michigan is an absolutely beautiful part of the country!


  18. How absolutely stunning!
    I try to get up right before 5:00am and enjoy the morning sunrise. Same in the evening, I sit on the back porch and watch the sunset, it just feels all is right with the world.
    Just beautiful pictures, you live in an awesome place.

  19. Those are breathtaking sunrises with the sweetest pinks known to God

  20. What a beautiful way to open and to close your day....I agree God tapped you on the shoulder....breathtaking Joan....Hugs

  21. Those are absolutely stunning photographs! You should enter them into some kind of photo contests!
    THANK YOU for sharing.

  22. These may be some of the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen. Those colors. I'm lost for words.

  23. Beautiful colours...

    Mahabalipuram-Poetry in Stones Part THREE (last) at My Travelogue
    My Travelogue, Savoir-Faire

  24. Magnificent. I guess you're glad you couldn't sleep :)

  25. VaBookworm: I feel very blessed to live here with nature all around us.

    Shelley: I would LOVE that..make SURE you get ahold of me and let me know the dates as soon as you know!! We will be going for a week to Florida, probably Dec. 4th thru the 12th or around you will be coming up when we get back....which will work out perfect!!!
    You can come here or we can go to your cabin or we can meet somewhere in the will be SO much fun. Can't WAIT to meet you.

    Grannyann: Thanks, it was awesome in person.

    Growing Up: It must be that "winter in the northern hemisphere" thing. Hey, we should be blessed with beauty to make up for our cold winters, right?

    Pearl: Especially the U.P. ha

    Brit: I admire you getting up at 5a every morning. I could never do that, I like to sleep in too much. I used to get up around 6a when I worked, but since I retired, I hate getting up before 8a. :-}

    Sandi: They were wonderful pastels, just spiritual to see in person!

    Bernie: I was so excited I had to grab my clothes and go outside and take them. As you know, this time of year sunrises happen within about 15 minutes and I knew if I didn't hurry, I wouldn't capture it on camera.

    Joanna: Thanks so much! You are so encouraging to my photography addiction. :-}

    Ratty: Thanks so much!! It was stunning in stunning I didn't do the scene justice by camera.

    Mitr: Thanks! I haven't heard from you in a long time...good to see you commenting again!!

    Loree: Yes, I am glad I didn't sleep longer and miss it!

    Ashley: It was definitely breathtaking in person...and the sun rose so fast it was all over in less than 15 minutes!

  26. Your pictures almost make me want to move back to Michigan. But wait a sec ... what is that white stuff on the ground? Never mind. I'll stay down here where it's warm. Keep posting the pics though - love them!

  27. If I could see such scenes in my neighborhood, I'd never want to be any place else!

  28. Fantastic!!! I'm still suffering camera envy each time you post. Maybe Santa will take pity on me!

  29. Breath taking photos of the sunsets and sunrises. You are right, the lake looks like strawberry cream.
    Is the animal the Loch Ness monster? Ha ha, wrong continent and wrong size.
    Probably something more cute, maybe an otter?

  30. What awesome colors!!! Great photos Joan!!

  31. Lesley: Ok, quit rubbing all that good weather in! Ha

    Gaston: It is always nice looking out at the lake! Thanks.

    Ramblin: Oh, I bet Santa already has one picked out for you. (smiles)

    Terra: yes it was an otter! I had inadvertently put the name in my blogpost labels (Must have been sleeping when I did the post. ha)

    Ginnymo: Thanks so much. The colors were awesome in person..just brilliant!

  32. BEAUTIFUL!!! I wish I could get up earlier in the morning...*sigh*....

    Very nice shots, Joan!
    Sue's Daily Photography

  33. Susanne: Haha. You can't fool me, I remember your beautiful Florida sunrise shots from earlier this year, they were gorgeous!

  34. Wow, your photos of this beautiful sunrise are awesome. I really should try mornings sometimes and stop being such a night owl.

  35. SquirrelQueen: I have a hard time getting up early...this was just a fluke. ha

  36. These are so my favorite pics you have taken.

    I call first dibs on the Sunrise/Sunset calendar.

  37. Kearsie: I am going to have to "do up" a calendar just for you someday!! ha

  38. Those photos are...AWESOME!!! The first one is my favorite.

    Don't you just love it when God taps you on the shoulder? : )


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