Monday, November 16, 2009

How Bazaar !!!

Michigan's deer hunting season began on Sunday, Nov. 15th.

Traditionally around here, that is like a huge holiday. The men go to hunting camp and the women hit the stores to do Christmas shopping and several bazaar's are held with crafts for sale.

I worked at one of them for one of the local boards I am on. The group is called RSVP for retired senior volunteer program. Seniors needing services can call this wonderful organization if they need a ride for a medical appointment, need chores done in their homes that they can no longer perform, etc.

Some of the wonderful volunteer ladies providing these services to seniors also do a ton of crocheting and knitting and sewing and donate all of their beautiful hard work to the organization to be sold to help sustain the program's funds.

While I worked at the RSVP booth on Saturday, I took notice of all the fun everyone was having. Friends saw friends and were hugging each other, ladies were giggling together as they shopped, like high school chums and everyone was happy.

I grabbed my camera to capture some of the fun things on sale for you to see. Enjoy!

It sure was a festival!:

I bet if I did a survey, you have one of these knitted towels hanging somewhere in your kitchen.

Am I right?:

There is a huge Finnish population that lives in the U.P.
One of the seller's speaks fluent Finnish and had Finnish music and books for sale.
The sign is "Welcome" in Finnish:

Some of the knitted goods available at our RSVP booth:

And who could resist these children's mittens made with such love for their little hands?:

Getting everyone in the mood for Christmas:

This lady had homemade canned goods for sale.
She almost sold out in two hours!!:

Some of the vendors donate their products to the homeless shelters this time of year too.
Hope you enjoyed the tour of the bazaar!!
I normally do nature photography, but today I decided it would be a good thing to show the good nature side of mankind, instead!....


  1. That looks like it was a fun place to be. I think I have the bear with the honeybees with the crochet on it. My mom did a lot of them and I couldn't throw them away. I also have the blue and white crocheted afghan. Lots of nice colors.

  2. too cool. we love going to craft shows and bazaars. such neat stuff to find. that is some good nature. smiles.

  3. wow! I don't have those towels, but would love to!!
    Lovely round of pics!!

  4. I love craft bazaars and this one looked to have a lot of good things there and for it to be going to a good cause is a plus.

  5. Not sure if my last comment went through but this looks like a great bazaar you attended and having it go to a good cause is definetly a plus. Love the dishtowels

  6. I do have some of those tea towels in my kitchen. My mother in law bought them for me. How strange.

  7. I love going to bazarrs! Thank you for clicking away.

  8. YOU ARE ALWAYS DOING SOMETHING INTERESTING!!!! Dan misses the first week of deer season; I can tell it even though he doesn't say so! He had to call two of his buddies, both names of Bob, to see how it was going!

  9. Well, I did have one of those in my kitchen until we moved. It was all stained and icky so maybe this season I'll get another. I love the mittens! Some of the knitted things are actually crocheted, I noticed. Nice captures, and yes, it's that time of year to really enjoy what people make for others. RSVP is a great organization!

  10. I love how you said, "I normally do nature photography, but today I decided it would be a good thing to show the good nature side of mankind, instead!" YES! I love seeing the good side of mankind!

  11. What a nice cause! I love craft shows, bazaars, etc! I would've liked that jingle all the way sign!

  12. L.D.: Thanks. All I could think about when I was there was how much work everyone did! Those objects take hours and hours to make!

    Brian: I like going to them too...but I was disappointed that were weren't alot of things made of wood. Usually, up here...there are wood bowls and shelves and even twig furniture, etc.

    Roshni: Thanks! It was a fun day!

    Vickie: I always hone in on the jewelry!

    Loree: No matter where I go in the country, when I attend bazaars, someone has crocheted those towels to hang over your cupboard or oven door! Wonder if they make them in other countries, too? I didn't see any in Mexico or in the Dominican Republic when we have been there those many times!

    Ashley: Thanks so much! I loved taking pictures there.

    Cathy: My hubby used to hunt them, but we don't eat enough venison to have him kill one. My brother does hunt, so I am waiting to hear if he got one or not yet.

    DJan: All that hard work! That is what I kept thinking as I walked throughout the bazaar.

    Lynn: yes! Isn't it refreshing to see the good side of people for a change?

    Shelley: So much of it would have looked great in a log home! I had to restrain myself. ha I think everybody that worked at a booth selling things also bought things too!

  13. This is one of my choices for fun right behind nature. My kind of fun is discovering new and different things. Nature can do that for you and so can this. I love finding something cool that I've never seen before.

  14. I loved this post Joan!! The women sure do keep busy making things. And that homemade canning! I can see why it would all sell out fast. Don't see much of that any more. My old late ex's family was Finnish from up there. They pronounce the last name totally different up there then down here. Looks like a fun time to be at one of those festivals.

  15. I love to can! And it looks so yummy in your photos!

  16. Thanks for the tour through the bazaar.
    We are having several this month but I have enough neat things so I have to stay away from there.

  17. Eva: It was a really nice day!

    Ratty: They have a really HUGE one every year in our wooden football dome where we get 100's of vendors...that is my favorite one!

    Ginnymo: Yes, I have seen many Finnish names pronounced totally different in other parts of the country, even downstate. It always makes me laugh. My dad was Finnish and Swedish...he never taught us any Finnish, even though he spoke it fluently.

    Lucy and Dick: Yes, she had "chowchow" and everyone was getting nuts over it. I have never tasted it, have you?

    Grannyann: I always have to remind myself that I am into "downsizing" now that we are retired, so I don't buy too many doo-dads. ha

  18. Hi There, This is the neatest post. That group has alot of talent in it.. There's something similar up here ---and they have a 'store' at the mall where they sell all of their goodies (similar to what you showed above).

    I do think it's neat that the RSVP group also helps get Seniors to the doctor, errands, church, etc. My inlaws needs that service in the area where they live--but we can't seem to find out if it is available. Their church does some to help--but they need MUCH more...

    Great post!!!

  19. I would so love those little knitted mittens and the canned goods! It looks like a wonderful Bazaar and a huge success! Thanks for the great pics!

  20. Joan, I love bazaars especially around Christmas time, we have one coming up soon in a couple of weeks and I love to purchase homemade "everything" especially the knitted nice that you do this volunteer work to help others, shows what a wonderful heart you have .......:-) Hugs

  21. Betsy: Yes, there are needed programs like RSVP everywhere. And the irony in Michigan is that our funding is in danger and we may not get enough money from the state or grants to continue to program in the future.

    Joanna: I loved those mittens. One lady came and bought 14 pair for her grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. It was so sweet...she would call out their names as she searched and picked out a pair so she wouldn't forget any. ha

    Bernie: I used to do more volunteer work when I was working, I was on over 10 boards plus Rotary. But now, we live pretty far from town, so I resigned from a lot of them due to winter driving and the distance. But as you know, the more you give, the more you receive. Nothing beats it. If anyone out there is lonely, I recommend volunteering in some way. It will change your life and you will never be lonely again.

  22. I love the festivals and bazaars this time of the year. This one looks like lots of fun and benefits a good cause as well.

  23. Dreamwalker: Go for it! There as so many this time of year and they have many unique things for Xmas presents too.

    SquirrelQueen: I know. The quickest way to find Xmas cookies and baked goods too. You can throw flour on your face as you serve them to guests and say: "here's a little something I whipped up". (Hey, it isn't whipped it up by buying it) and it will truly be homemade. ha


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