Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Frosty Sunbeams

We are actually warmer than usual up here in the U.P. of Michigan for November.

Normally, we have at least a few inches of snow on the ground by now. I am not complaining, because I know we will get it (and then some!) very soon...and it won't disappear again until April.

But the delayed snowfall has given me some extra opportunities to get some shots of frosty mornings and scenery.

The ponds are now getting frozen over:

And some mornings offer frosty sunrises, sometimes with foggy mist:

And giving us huge sunbeams through the frosty forest:

Highlighting ice and frost on the now-barren bushes:

Back lighting them in a wonderful glow:

And if you are patient....
really patient....
You may be lucky enough to get sparkling snowrain coming off the trees as the warming sun chases them off the frosty woods:

Even in the freezing barest of times,
nature provides a lightshow:

May the beauty of the season find you this Thanksgiving week....


  1. oh that frosty forest looks so magical! cant wait until we get some snow! off to travel for the holiday...hope you have a great week!

  2. Brian: We will be getting snow here before we know it. We are leaving Tuesday to drive down to Florida for a two week vacation....I am sure by the time we get back it will be totally white!!

    Eva: Thanks. If you bundle up and go out early in the morning, you can catch some really pretty frost.

  3. I got a little shiver and flashback to living in Ohio when I saw your gorgeous pictures. So glad you are snow-free for Thanksgiving. It makes gathering friends and family together so much easier!

    Wishing you a great holiday! ENJOY


    PS The last pic is stunning!

  4. Your photos make me feel like it would be a perfect place to converse with Nature and God.

    Enjoy your trip!

  5. Beautiful pictures. It does look cold there!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. So gorgeous!
    Have a Very happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Sara: Thanks! You and your family have a great TG too!

    Catherine: Yes, it is chilly here. Today is rainy but we might have it changing to snow overnight. Happy TG to you too!

    Cathy: Yes, it was pretty still and serene. Nature's church!

    Joanna: Yes, I hope so...although it is raining today which forecasts that says it might turn over to snow overnight. But, also calling for sun again on Friday. Such is life in the U.P. this time of year. Have a great TG!!

  8. Gorgeous pictures, as usual! I am digging the warmer than usual temps here in our beautiful state!!Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  9. Oh how lovely these ones are, what time of morning do you get up?
    I am wishing you and your family the happiest and best Thanksgiving ever!!!!
    Drive safe to Florida and enjoy the these photo's luv ya.....:-) Hugs

  10. Your pictures are beautiful. It does look so cold. I've been anxious for some freeze pictures - but to see if I'll want to go out in it to get them! ;-)

  11. Have a nice Thanksgiving...and thank you for the wonderful pictures!

  12. Such beautiful photos, it reminds me of why I love winter and fall...

  13. Nice Joan, very nice. It's been a while since I've been out shooting the morning but the light can be dazzling. Your snow/rain photo proves that.

    Oh how I dread the cold weather. Like it or not here it comes!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family : )


  14. Awesome photos Joan!!! I love how you captured the sun and the sparkling of the frost on the trees. The pond is beautiful! Have a great Thanksgiving!!

  15. Great frosty pics. We have had more temperate weather as well. No snow and even a little milder then you have been. As you say, it will come soon enough and then some.

  16. Beautiful pictures, J..... LOVE the ones where the sun's rays are coming through the trees... Love the frosty ones too... Looks COLD to me!!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  17. Lovely shots. We're having lots of rain, and much warmer than usual. Have a great trip.

  18. I love the first and the last photos the most...sooo pretty!

  19. You captured some beautiful early morning rays Joan....Loved the snow rain!

  20. Neat pics. Have a great T-day and enjoy all the good tasting food.

  21. Sparkling.snow.rain.

    OK I love my camera, but DANG! Yours is just, just MAN!!!

    On Friday we go to the horsepark to see their 15,000 light display...I am SO hoping I get awesome pix this year! Will be sharing! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, hugs to you!!!

  22. I love the way you've captured so many different types of sunshine. That first one is my favorite because of the way the sun seems to be just exploding.

  23. Oh how pretty. Sometimes I'm so jealous. It's still so warm here. Sigh ...

  24. Beautiful photos, the sun was in the perfect place. We haven't had any ice fog yet but it won't be much longer before our trees will look very similar.

  25. Wendytb: Same to you and you are most welcome! thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such nice compliments!

    Raingardener: I love taking pictures and the next best thing is having my followers leave wonderful commments (like you do!)

    Bernie: I was lucky...we had a really hard frost that lasted that day until about 8a or 9a so I could sleep in and get those shots too! We won't be leaving for Florida until Tues. or Wed. but we will be busy up until then.

    Jeanettte: We actually have been warmer than usual too!

    Sandi: Here I think I like autumn more than winter, but I am learning through my camera to love them all.

    SquirrelQueen: I am sure the cold will descend on the nation before we all know it. ha

    Loree: in a few weeks, we will be jealous of your WARM weather. ha

    Ratty: yes, the sun and the trees can give us so much entertainment, can't they?

    Insanity Kim: I am looking forward to your light show pictures. They should be fantastic!

    Grannyann: You too! I hope you are surrounded my family and friendship.

    Wanda: I was amazed to see the snow rain too!

    JJ: Thanks so much.

    Jenn: we got a little snow today again but it is supposed to melt by Friday.

    Betsy: It was pretty chilly out there when I was taking them! But I couldn't resist.

    Lorac: Thanks! We got snow last night, but it is supposed to melt by Friday.

    Ginnymo: Thanks! You too!

    New England: I dread the cold too, but since I started doing some photography I like it outside a little more.

  26. You know, those pics in the middle are very Twilight-y. I kind of expected to see a sparkly vampire doll in there.


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