Saturday, March 16, 2013

An Encounter!

We went for a hike last April, when the snow finally let us back on the
Spring roads....
and we rounded a curve and there was
THIS cute fellow!!!:

A porcupine!
We hadn't seen many in the woods for years!:

Contrary to beliefs, they do NOT throw their quills...
they just "display" them to warn you:

But after a few minutes of me slowly following him, clicking away with my lens, he settled down and figured maybe I wasn't such a threat after all:

Or, maybe NOT! (I am sure he was thinking: why is she STILL following me?):

I'll just stop and give her my "model pose":
I think they have such cute faces!

He had enough of me, and headed to the deeper woods.....

I was so happy to have spent some time with him!


  1. omg...that is amazing...i have never seen one in the wild....what a cool find!

  2. Very cool little guy, from a distance at least. Thanks for sharing him with me. :-)

  3. Sorry, I didn't see the cuteness! lol You are a diligent photographer! You shot him from about every angle!

  4. hard to type when i am in the middle on an envy episode...he is adorable.

  5. They are cute little buggers, but a real pain in the nose to curious dogs. Talking from experience!!!

  6. What a great encounter. Just as well you had the camera with you to mark the occasion.

  7. VERY cool! But I'd still be worried about getting a facefull of quills...

  8. You got some fine photos of this cutie. I remember waking up at the cottage one night... hearing a ruckus of two porkies arguing. They were the first I'd ever seen and they were far larger than I'd realized.

  9. Wow, he actually looks pretty!


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