Friday, February 3, 2012

Still Revisiting Autumn's Splendor

As I am still going through several months
of photography that I feverishly took
during our last, gorgeous
autumn season here....
You will just have to suffer.

A bee's nest or hornet's nest!:

Our Lake Michigamme.
We just live up the shoreline to the left of this photo....

This is an old highway that I always return to....
every fall....
because I love the canopy of leaves there.

We own 40 acres of land a little ways down this road on the right....

But my favorite roads to take in the autumn are those
little two-rut roads....
you never know what animal might be just around the next corner.

Another shot of our Lake:

I have loved this little boathouse on our lake ever since I discovered it
about 9 or 10 years ago.  It is in a little cove of our lake:


I hope you can find a little "cove" of shelter,( full of serenity
like this place)
in your life today.......................


  1. Lovely to see such gorgeous colours... when it's so dull outside! After Spring, Fall is my favourite season :-)

  2. Fantastic photos ! Have I been asleep here , have you had the WHITE contest judged yet ? I seem to have missed it or am I loosing it lol. Have a great day !

  3. love that boat house and the scene around it and am a tad jealous over the 40 acres thing. would love to have it and be right in the middle of it with a log cabin. stunning 2 rut road.

  4. oops forgot to say that is an awesome shot of that scary hornets nest.

  5. That last one is a prize winner!

  6. you're still making me homesick for Wisconsin, even tho these colors are long gone...

  7. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE,all these pictures.If I had the chance to travel down that tree lined highway,I would not want to leave.It is stunning scenery.Thanks,for making my day.

  8. When I saw red and orange leaves I knew that you were back at it with all the gorgeous fall scenes. It is wonderful to see them.

  9. All such beautiful photos! Just proves why Fall is my favorite season! I love the one of the road with the canopy of leaves and that last photo is just stunning!

  10. I love all these pictures. That lake is so calm and peaceful. I love your roads and I also like those two-Rutted ones. Real country!
    We haven't had much of a winter here this year. It's good for me but not others.

  11. Looking back at autumn photos is sort of like reminiscing with an old friend. I love your last photo with those fabulous reflections.

    That's a cool hornet's nest Joan, you reminded me I took some photos of one in the fall too. I'll have to dig them up.

  12. You know Joan, I see these photos and long for warmer temps but now that we've made it through the biggest part of winter, I'm now looking toward SPRING!!!!


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