Wednesday, February 22, 2012

PLEASE be patient....Houston, we have a problem!

HI everyone!

We made it back from Los Cabos Mexico...

I had the opportunity to get some wonderful images
for you all....

Only one problem.

I am SICK as a DOG.

Of all the times we have gone to Mexico, we have never gotten sick.

Well, let me tell you....


Montezema's revenge has been the sickest I have been in years.

It started the day before we left Mexico

(Valentine's Day night)

and I have been sick ever since.

I went to the walk-in emergency clinic finally on yesterday
and got some knock out antibiotics.

I was diagnosed with the typical traveller's dissentery as well as (as if that isn't enough)
a cold viris....

So I am now loaded with antibiotics.

Praying that they work.

I have not eaten much in over a week and am very weak.

But this morning I do feel a twinge better
I am holding on to hopes that I am turning the corner on this thing.

Please keep checking the blog for a new post.

I promise I will be back as soon as I can,
it may be a few days yet.

Miss you all!!!

P.S. On the good side, I have lost about 10 pounds.  However, The "Montezuma's Revenge Diet"
is NOT recommended.


  1. Yuck! That does NOT sound like fun! Hope you feel better soon!

  2. so sorry to hear you're still ailing!!! i hope those antibiotics kick out the bacteria in your stomach!

  3. That happened to me in Costa Rica this year. I've never been that sick. It was our 5th trip to Central America. And even though I got sick it won't be my last. It is just too beautiful. Get well soon!

  4. That is awful, I hope the antibiotics don't make you sicker. After you are over the meds, eat some yogurt to get back some good bacteria. Hope you will feel better soon.

  5. I had an awful feeling you were ill. I hope the antibiotics are quick to bring you back to good health! It's a heck of a way to lose 10-pounds!!!!!

  6. Oh I am so sorry to that you are this sick ! I hope you get better fast . Just make sure you get plenty of R&R . See you in blogland when your all better ! Take care of yourself !

  7. Rest and get better,I need to see all those fantastic pictures you have.

  8. Aches and pains, nausea, head cold, sinus pain, lung congestion and unable to feel any strength in my legs. That is what went around her the past two weeks like a house a fire.
    Get a lot of rest and your body will bring you back at it's own pace. Sleep a lot and when you start to feel better, eat!

  9. What a way to loose weight. I hope you recover soon. Can't wait 'til your up and about, to see the photos of your winter vacation.

  10. Oh my goodness, you mentioned being sick in your email a few days ago, but you really are sicker than you thought I think. I do hope you will soon be feeling much better. Just take each day as it comes and don't stress over things.

    Love and hugs and get well wishes,

  11. so sorry, don't worry about us, we will be waiting

  12. Oh no! Hope you feel better very soon...

  13. I hope you recover quickly. Don't worry about your blog. We'll always be here. Just get better.

  14. Joan,
    I completely understand - you poor thing!! I've gotten sick twice in Mexico. Once I had to be hospitalized and I lost 20 lbs! Greg has an iron stomach - must be those mexican genes. Feel better soon!


  15. Uff dah! That's bad news. I hope the meds work - fast!

  16. That really sucks! Hope you feeling better and back up to par soon!

  17. Hope you are feeling better soon Joan. In all our trips to Mexico I have been lucky but friends of mine have not. Get well soon!

  18. I was so sorry to hear you are still unwell, but hope you have turned the corner and will be feeling like sharing your photos with us soon. Take Care.

  19. You know your faithful fans will be waiting for you to get better. Nobody is going anywhere, but I sure am sorry to hear about you being sick! That is NOT the way to lose ten pounds! :-)

  20. I wish you quick recovery
    and my love from Greece
    is with you!!!

  21. No fun at all! I hope you feel better soon!


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