Saturday, January 14, 2012

Autumn, how I MISS you!

More today of our wonderful past autumn in the U.P. of Michigan:

Water reflections:

Dreamy water:

I SO want to be by this bridge on this warm day, right NOW!:

River flowing like silk:

Autumn river:

Another colorful autumn road:

I love, love, LOVE colorful leaves floating down a stream:

when the river is low and reveals its secret rocks?

I posted this cobweb earlier, but Mrs. Spider showed up that day
just for a MOMENT
and I got to get a snapshot of her!:


  1. woo hoo and wow on the spider shot. love the frame of leaves for her cute little self. i took a shot of a spider that was about the size of pencil lead and she had so much detail we would never see with out macro. wonderful bridge

  2. BEAUTIFUL!!! I want to take a leisurely walk down that Autumn road.Will you join me?

  3. Beautiful. Makes me want to go back in time.

  4. Gorgeous! I want the snow to go away!

  5. Wow .... these photos are sooooo beautiful.
    ..amazing .... so many beautiful autumn colors .. my compliment for this great series ..
    Greeting Karin

  6. Autumn how I miss you as well as summer and many more months? oh well, I guess it could be worse; we just have cold weather!
    The spider web is fantastic!

  7. Amazing shot of the web and spider Joan. I always see the most fantastic webs in everyone's photos but I can never find a neat looking web like that here. I think we either have lazy or messy spiders in this yard. Love all the fall photos, we are finally seeing a little snow tonight.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: