Friday, December 23, 2011

Lake, River and Falls!

Continuing today with some more water pictures.

I know your days are full of hectic holiday things
and I thought
the viewing of water might help calm you today.

Take a steaming cup of coffee, put your feet up
listen to the water.

Can you hear it????

A windy Lake Superior day!:

A tiny drop in the river makes for a mini-waterfall!:


Waterfalls like liquid silver!:


Miner's Falls: A long, long way down!:

The bottom of Munising Falls, where there are colorful rock formations:

To show you how tall these Miner's falls are,
look at the bottom of these falls
where you can see
a fellow photographer
in a blue coat taking pictures:

A view of the top of the Munising falls!:


I hope these helped calm you down and make you feel relaxed today.

I hope that you are surrounded by loved ones, and if not, know that your fellow Bloggers
love included!

Hoping your holidays give you refreshed spirit
and that the new, upcoming year is one of promise, good (or better) health
and continuing happiness.


  1. Thank you.. I wish you the same.
    Your photos are breathtaking.

  2. Gorgeous shots. Yes, now I am ready for a fun day with my family. Excitement should run high as the children open their gifts.

  3. my beloved dogs are on the sofa with me while i blog, beloved hubby is flying his little planes and will be home soon and that makes me happy and calm as did my visit to your falls and that beautiful beach. i love the last three shots, the third up is my favorite. would so love to see them in real time and hear them. how DID she get way down there and did you go there too?

  4. got coffee, feet are up and sighing as i listen...smiles....

    have a very merry christmas!

  5. The pics are fabulous. The water falls look so sublime like some kind of ambrosia descending from heaven.

  6. these are just gorgeous! thank you for your kindness and sharing of your beauty. i do so appreciate your warm soul. :)

  7. All of them beautiful! I LOVE the sound of water. Hope your holidays are great ones Joan!

  8. Very nice shots in great quality, beautiful waterfalls...

    I wish you a wonderful and very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year ...

    Warm greetings, Karin

  9. There is nothing more relaxing to me than the sound of a waterfall, well maybe ocean waves crashing on the shore. These are all beautiful Joan but my favorite is the tiny one in the first photo.

    Hope your holidays are merry and bright! Merry Christmas!

  10. Wonderful photos. I'm wishing for some pleasant days this winter to go for some long destination walks. Your photos make me want to be outside!
    Merry Happy Holichristmas!

  11. A moment to relax was just what I needed... the sound of moving water always lulls me. I even imagined I could hear the wind in the first picture.

    Christmas greetings to you and yours.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: