Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Revisiting a Late Summer Garden: Part TWO

Continuing today with my series of shots
that I took from Carp River Gardens, in Negaunee Michigan.

If you missed Part ONE of this series, drop below this post and go down a few and you will find it.

A Clematis with a friend!:

One happy, healthy HOSTA!:

Besides the gardens lying in a sleepy hollow of whispering pines,
they designed it with a few waterfalls and fish ponds.
Gosh, I'd love my yard to look like this!:

I've always tried to grow Clematis, but they never grow for me!:

Glorious vines!:

Hybird Columbine in royal purple. I wanted to steal these. I really did!:

I guess the "next best thing" is to steal a photograph of them to have forever.

I heart gardens.

I heart Clematis.

I heart Columbines.

I heart you all for visiting my blog today and sharing this wonderful garden.

Oh yes, I do have even more photos of it to share with you next time.

And I know it is autumn...I am outside as you read this still gathering all the glorious fall pictures of the U.P.
that I can get to share with you soon....

I hope you are enjoying your autumn days too!


  1. Thank you for part two of this wonderful garden. What a treat it would be to visit this regularly. I love it.


  2. I heart all the things you heart and these photos are wonderful. I really HEART the first shot. for some reason, i sat and stared at that one for about 60 seconds before i went on then went back for a 2nd look. it just appeals to me and I am not sure why. i would love to have a log cabin right by that water fall.

  3. Wonderful photos I love the waterfalls and fish ponds. Have a great day !

  4. I had enormous, gorgeous hostas in my yard in Maine when I lived there. All variations of green- I heart them.

  5. Beautiful all, but I especially loved the pond with the waterfalls. :)

  6. It really is a gorgeous garden area. I could only hope but not in Iowa. We are just too hot most of the time.

  7. Fall has not come to our part of the country yet and it is never as colorful as in your neighborhood.
    I usualy like to go up around Atlanta when the leaves are in full colors.

  8. Gorgeous, Makes me wish summer would hang around a bit longer.

  9. That's one HONKING Hosta! Lovely Columbine's and Clematis. As far as the Clematis goes, I asked my sister, Linda Martha Stewart, as I like to call her. She has found that with the purple Clematis, they like to have shade at the base and sun at the top, so she recommends planting hostas around the bottom. Hope this helps!

  10. I too would like my yard to look like that,especially if it came with a free gardener to do the work.

  11. i heart this post!! and all the purple!!

  12. These are so beautiful. They look as if I could touch them.

  13. These are beautiful. I ♥ the pond. Mine needs work, but I do enjoy it. We have wild grape vines here, too. They strangle the trees as they climb, sapping their light.

    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  14. That's a really healthy hosta... wonderful, and the friend looked at home on the clematis. I look forward to the Fall pictures.

  15. I cannot grow Clematis either..except for the native wildflower one..that one does great! :)


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