Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Late Summer Garden: Part FIVE

Yes, my series continues today
of the lovely flowers and sights of
Carp River Gardens....

I am still out in the wilds of the U.P. gathering autumn pictures for you .
(They are coming, I PROMISE!!)


Full shot of the Crazy Daisies!:

See why I love strolling about these gardens and taking photos?:

Just love to sit on these benches and drink it all in:

Little hidden treasures every where in the garden:


Did I tell you there are little ponds of swimming fish everywhere too??:

I named the ones above....we are now BFF's.....


  1. Breathtaking photos as always. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Wow. What a beautiful place to visit.

  3. i could sit on those benches for hours and never stop snapping. i love to find a bench or a stump and sit and just fire at what i see, this is a beautiful garden.

  4. Stunning photography, Oh to have a garden like that.

  5. I feel like we were just out for a stroll. Thanks for the journey.

  6. They are lovely! :)
    And I can't get enough of the crazy daisies! LOL!

  7. The garden is beautiful but I covet the benches!

  8. I love gardens like this. Wish I lived closer and was able to join you on a visit to this one.Those cameras would be busy clicking. LOL

  9. Now I want a fern garden and an Asian garden statue! Love that one!

  10. I'd love to walk through that place. It's so beautiful. Lovely photos!! Can't wait to see your fall pictures. It's so beautiful up there.

  11. Your pictures are amazing! And it took me back to a trip we made to Sweden where my hubby has 12 cousins, and one of them had the most wonderful garden, with all sorts of flower and statutes and tables. Thanks for making that memory pop back into my mind!

  12. The vividness of the details of your photos are always my envy, I wonder why I can't seem to take photos like that. Even if i use tripod sometimes, I still can't duplicate your clarity. I most specifically love that 2nd composition, fits exactly with the 'fill the frame' category for the month. haha!

  13. So pretty and tranquil. How I would love to visit those gardens.

  14. I'd love to hang out there all day! Wonderful photos! Is it getting cold up there yet? Greg and I are headed up to the cabin next thursday for several days. Hoping I can still catch some of the fall peak!

  15. I'm with you! I just want to sit there and enjoy that serence and relaxing place...


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