Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wild Cala Lilies, wild flower bushes, and Water Lilies!

I am trying to learn all the wildflower names for the wildflowers 
that grow in our area.

I am not learning them as well or as fast as I wished!

Thank goodness for knowledgeable Bloggers who often help me name some of them...

So, let's see if we can find out some of them today, shall we?

I know these are yellow water lilies:

But this white flowering bush? Haven't a clue!: Anyone know??:

Also stumped on this one!: Help!!???:

Wild Cala Lily:

Another wild Cala Lily:

(I can't help myself. They are so tropical looking for way up north where we live!):

Wild rose:

Wild rose with a friend:

Another yellow water lily:

I have bought some reference books to learn about the different plants and flowers
natural to the U.P. of Michigan...
It is fun finding them, photographing them and then trying to find out what they are.

If anyone knows the names of the unknown flowering bushes I showed you above,
please let us know???


  1. I'm no help with the names, but they're all beautiful. Especially the yellow water lilies! :)

  2. The petals of the wild rose could break your heart with their beauty.

  3. i am no help with identifying flowers, I can barely remember names of what grows in our yard. they are all beautiful, i like the water lily pads and the bee is fantastic.

  4. You have some amazing places to go. I was in awe of the yellow flowers. Amazing eye you have.

  5. Wonderful photos ! I to am not much help as I dont know the names of wild flowers and plants all I know is they are beautiful and worth capturing on camera as you have so wonderfull done. Have a good day !

  6. those wild calla lilies are wonderful! so are the waterlilies!

  7. The first and two last photos blow me away!

  8. I don't know what the other flowers are called, either, but I know that I love the Cala lilies because they remind me of Georgia O'Keeffe, and the wild roses because the remind me of home!

  9. those wild calla lilies are fabulous with their heart shaped leaves...i have never seen them before. i adore wild roses!!

    these are all soooo pretty!!


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