Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Summer Bouquet!

Today's post
consists of showing you some more of my summer blooms.

I took a lot of shots of my garden but never got to post them all....
so before we jump into full blown autumn here in the gorgeous U.P.
and I bombard you with those shots,
I figured I'd better finish off the
summer shots first.

A lucky shot of a bee approaching this lovely lupine:

I have these flowers in my garden, but can't remember what they are. I think they are some kind of primrose?:

Lupine galore!:

Hosta leaves....which deer came and ate since then!

A mix of lemon lilies and Iris and Bachelor Buttons!:

Lemon Lily!:

I also don't know the name of this garden flower? Help?:

These are a small bush and I also don't know the name of them.
(I got them from a relative and planted them. She told me once, but I can't remember the flower's name). I know some smart Blogger out there will tell me!?:

Besides summer getting over (FAST!!! Can you believe this coming weekend is LABOR DAY WEEKEND??? YIKES!!), and the beginning of autumn to celebrate....
you have one more thing to do:

ENTER your photo for the FREE PHOTO CONTEST!!!
You only have one more day people!!!

This month's theme is:


enter your photo my midnight August 31st, 2011

You don't have to be a Blogger to enter!!!


  1. LOVE the lupine and the lemon lilies, they jumped out of your photo and into my heart.

  2. I will just enjoy these beautiful 'summer' flowers and pretend that it is not over yet.

  3. Love the mixture of lemon lilys, iris and bachelor buttons. Very pretty!

  4. Your flower shots are all so wonderful. I really like seeing the lupines as we use to see them in Minnesota when we visited there. Your's seem very healthy and are in full bloom.

  5. those are really beautiful. i won't be able to help with any i.d.s. just appreciating their beauty and your photos...

  6. They are all lovely, but the first one, with the bee in mid-flight is a stunner!

  7. That may have been a lucky shot, but that bee and flower are simply AWESOME!!

  8. Oh that bee shot is a winner! I don't know much about the names of these flowers.. but "Beautiful" covers them all.

  9. The landing bee shot is amazing! Love them all, but the lemon lilly just leapt out at me. So bright and sunny! I can hardly wait to see your autumn pictures! :)

  10. Thanks for these beautiful Summer flowers. Autumn will be upon us faster than we know!

  11. the last picture looks like Malva...does it spread? Malva is like a chinese lantern flower...once you plant it, it never goes away...my mom had some once, lol...and round up wouldn't kill it...

    Grama and I loved the pictures this morning, she kept saying how beautiful they were, it makes her day to look at all the beautiful pictures that my blogger friends post...Thanks for making her day better, as she don't have much anymore to brighten it up!

  12. Your garden grows so beautifully

  13. What a stunning collection of summer flowers!

  14. Hey, The last photo is a Perennial Geranium, they should bloom twice during the summer.
    I just sent you a lake photo for the challenge!
    I enjoyed all your flower photos:)

  15. Beautiful photos, everyone of them!
    I totally forgot to enter the contest...
    Hope you are doing well Joan!

  16. Your flowers are beautiful Joan. The last one is a perennial geranium also called Cranesbill.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: