Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Out in My Spring Garden

I never got to show you my Spring garden yet...
So...here you go!:

I don't know why this tulip drooped, but it made for a good photo!:

I got this little "welcome" sign with a little bird house on it for my garden
at a yard sale for $3.00!! I just loved it and had to have it:

Tulips, forget-me-nots, rocks and an old metal teapot in the background:

Tulips, and Primrose in my side garden:

This is the third year these pointy little red tulips came up for me.
I really like their shape:

Various tulips throughout my yard:

When we bought our lot on the lake, we were very lucky to find a lot
with a lot of apple trees.
Our whole front yard is alive with blossoms every spring!:

And this year?
We heard more than bumblebees humming in the trees, pollenating them.
One night, I went outside and it was humming LOUDLY in the blossoms.
To our delight,
it was FULL of about 15 hummingbirds drinking and buzzing in the blossoms!:

I love photographing the INSIDE of tulips.
This one was facing right out at me as if to say:
"Take my picture, pick me, pick me!":

My husband found some old metal wheels to stick here and there
in my garden...
I have four:

I hope your Spring was as wonderful as ours was
and that your summer is too!


  1. You and your camera keep outdoing yourselves. These are such marvelous photos. The colors are wonderful and the hummingbird shots are great too. Your spring was very pretty.

  2. Spring was great here... Summer? Too hot for me. I love the Lilies and Roses in Summer---but the heat is not fun.

    Great set of pictures...I especially love your tulips.

  3. i have tried 3 times to comment and if you get all of them, pick one and delete the rest. i tried to pick a favorite, but could not because all of the tulips are my favorite and i love the wheel. hang down your head tom dooley is my thought on the stunning droopy one. fantastic flowers and you get a big A PLUS...

  4. Love the tulips and the old wagon wheel!

  5. nice...love your birdhouse...and your garden is beautiful...i kinda expected that though...smiles.

  6. I love tulips of all colors, but they can tend to get a bit flopsy and bent looking at times. That's a really great little flower garden... teapot and all. :-)

  7. Beautiful pictures.I love that old wheel in the garden,it adds a lot of charm.

  8. Your spring garden was truly beautiful! I would have peed my pants in excitement to see a tree full of hummingbirds! LOL!

  9. Oh, i LOVE those blossom and hummer pictures! Wow!

  10. Glorious shots, as usual. I love it when you post and rush to see the beautiful pictures. Pointy tulips, apple blossoms, an array of colors and types of flowers...and hummingbirds! Would have loved to see a tree filled with them!! You can tell your hubby I like the old metal wheels. And I like you little welcome bird house, too. :)

  11. WOW!!! Nice hummer shots! I mean the others are nice too, but my heart is with trying to get good hummer shots!!

  12. I love tulips! And your garden is so natural looking, like it all just "happened". You are so talented. Not only do you plant and nurture real beauty, but you take great photos to preserve that beauty forever! That is such a gift!

  13. Wagon wheels and hummers- great combo and just lovely.

  14. I just love your gardens, Joan. What beautiful colors and variety of flowers. You and hubby definitely got lucky with getting a lake lot with lots of apple trees on it! The trees are gorgeous and so are those humming birds! Very nice.

  15. hi, those are beautiful photos from a beautiful garden. I love most the color of the primrose, oh if only they can grow here, unfortunately not! thanks.

  16. Lovely photos Joan. I specially liked the birdhouse welcome sign and the old iron wheels. The tulips looked great too! - Dave


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