Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Alpaca's! : Part THREE

Continuing today with my lovely Alpacas!

(If you didn't see the last two posts, go below this one and continue to see
the photos in the last two blogposts).
It couldn't have been a nicer day out than the day we
went out to take photos of the Alpacas.

The fields were green and the apple blossoms were all in bloom!:

I was laying on my belly in the field (more on that later! LOL)
and this goofy guy came right up to my camera!
I was laughing so hard, I could barely click the shutter:

At the trough:

Eating out of the haywagon:

Everybody sing with me, now...
"Ebony and Ivor-y!":

I loved watching them munching out on the fields:

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear...
fuzzy wuzzy had no  hair...
I mean:
the Alpaca had been sheared:

(he HAD me with those big brown dewy eyes!)

"What do you mean?? I am pretty cute, too, you know!":

You are right.

I just can't pick a FAVORITE one...
Can you???:


  1. They're all so cute, I can imagine you loved it there!

  2. Awesome photos ! We have Alpac farms around here as well. Have a wonderful cool day !

  3. love the lookon the face of the one that came up to you...laying in the field? lol

  4. They are so fun to see. I admit that shaving them down like that makes them look very funny. Our zoo has a couple of them and I couldn't figure out what animal they were without their fur. Stay inside and cool up there in the UP.

  5. They are so adorable! I have never seen alpacas.

  6. Cute they are in their own peculiar way.

  7. What wonderful photographs! The last picture reminds me a little of my prom picture.

    I think these critters are adorable!

  8. We don't have alpacas here, so I've never seen them; but your photos are brilliant. I love how you captured the warmth of the sun!

  9. each time you post i think you can not top what you have already shared with us, then i come to the next and next. the closeups are my favorites but i LOVE LOVE LOVE ALL of them. i can't pick a face i like best, they are each and every one totally adorable. did you get to touch one? i want to put my hands on either side of their faces and nuzzle them. of course they might not like that. keep them coming i will never ever get tired of them

  10. Aww they are all so cute and funny looking.

  11. they are just too cute for words!!! you got some wonderful pictures of them!!!

    i can't pick a favorite....just can't do it!!!

  12. I laughed right out loud to the Ebony and Ivory!!
    They are precious. :)

  13. Oh my goodness, Lover Boy has the most gorgeous eyes. You even got a reflection in one of them.

    I think Goofy Guy's curiosity finally got to him, he had to find out what the lady with the little box was doing. LOL!

  14. What wonderful creatures. I didn't see the first two parts (but have now been back to look). I am hoping you might have got us a six-pack of alpacas.

  15. They are all beautiful and so healthy looking, they remind me of chenille bedspreads. Enjoyed all 3 posts, Joan.

  16. Your comments are so cute, Joan, and gave me a good chuckle. I love the colors these animals come in and how green the field was. It's interesting that they only poop in one area. Kind of like our cats! LOL


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: