Monday, June 27, 2011

Spring's Wonderful Bounty

Today, we will continue with some more photos
my spring garden's flowers....

We were very lucky when we built on this property.
There were two areas full of Vinca Minor vines that faithfully put out their violet/blue flowers
every year:

Red tulips enjoying the spring sun:

Double pink tulips and primrose after the rain:

Our property has HUGE boulders on it.
When we built your house, I had a bulldozer push them into some areas, forming a
semi-circle and then I put gardens into them...they make nice "backdrops" for
the blooming flowers.

A grouping of pink tulips:

I love buying a bag of "mixed tulips" and planting them in the fall.....
then waiting to see what colors come up in the spring.
One of my favorites is this two-toned yellow/red one:

Close-up of a Vinca Minor:

Our first tree to blossom is this plum tree.  We never get plums, but the birds LOVE this tree:

Yellow primrose!:

Tulip Drama
after the rain:

Nature doesn't fool around when it comes to beauty.....


  1. love the two tone tulip...there is just a certain elegance about a tulip you know...

  2. Love your idea of buying mixed tulips in the fall for a fun surprise in the spring. I'll do that this year for myself and my daughter. Thanks!

  3. I envy you your beautiful flowers!!! I like the kind that come back by themselves. The shrew's have eaten most of my tulip bulbs, but they don't like daffodils and johnquils!

  4. I tried to post this a moment ago and the page disappeared so if you get it twice...
    As I had try to say a moment ago before blogger hit me between the eyes, I envy you your beautiful flowers! I like the kind that come up year after year by themselves!!

  5. so true about nature, these are so brilliant, the colors are mind boggling. i like the yellow primrose and the purple flowers because i have never seen them before. i like seeing new flowers. the mixed tulips turned out wonderful for you and a great idea with the rocks.

  6. Nature doesn't fool around, and neither do you! Beautiful shots, again!

  7. I, too, like the surprise of what comes up in the Spring! Now if only I had a yard to plant in! Enjoyed all the photos!

  8. All those colors all together. Beautiful!

  9. I hope you don't mind, I have saved several of your lovely flower pictures to use as jigsaw puzzles on my computer. Thank you

  10. I hope you don't mind; I saved several of your lovely pictures to use as jigsaw puzzles on my computer. Thank you

  11. OH! These were great. I just love tulips! (So much better than one lip....)

  12. beautiful, you are very lucky to have the Vinca it is so very pretty..we are too cold to grow it here. I gave up on Tulips the deer eat them...I sure enjoyed yours:)

  13. These are just stunning!! Stunning!! :):)

  14. Great and beautiful photos!!!

  15. Just darn beautiful Joan!
    When you have good light the results can be amazing! Like the two-toned yellow and red tulips.

  16. I'm catching up on blogs and I'm enjoying all of your lovely flower photos. Now that spring has become summer, what do you have on bloom?
    Linda Reeder

  17. You must get so much joy out of your beautiful garden with its splendour of flowers. They are only made more delightful by their jewelry of raindrops!

  18. Nice flower photos. Those Vincas are certainly lovely little flowers - similar to violets in shape - Dave

  19. You sure have some beautiful flowers. I love to see the rain drops on them. Awesome colors!

  20. Those tulips are gorgeous, I love your last macro shot with the raindrops.

  21. I love all the flower colors and the raindrops on them too. What an interesting idea to have all the boulders pushed aside and then plant flowers in and around them. Great idea, Joan, because that makes for some interesting views!


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