Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Birds and Blooms! (Wait a minute...isn't that the name of a Magazine?)

One of the most wonderful things about Spring's arrival
seeing the dead woods come alive with leaves and wildflowers
the migration of birds to the north after the long, cold winter.

Today, I have a collection of both in photographs
from a Spring trip out into the woods.


I am pretty sure this bird is a
Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker.

Am I right?:

Doesn't Spring just blow you away?

It is just an amazing time of year.

thankyou readers for correcting my original post from: "Birds and Blossoms" to "Birds and Blooms"...you guys are so smart!!!  xoo


  1. What kind of flower is that? We have the same kind in our woods during the spring, and it's so pretty! :) Hugs, Lynn

  2. those flowers are so delicate looking...gentle beauty...great snaps...

  3. They are dainty little flowers! I think it is Birds and Blooms??

  4. He looks like a red headed woodpecker with a belly stain lol
    Wonderful photos !
    Birds and Blooms is the magazine I get it all the time lol Have a great day !

  5. You are so right,it is a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.Your pictures really show that yellow belly.I love the little flowers,too.

  6. Peckers and Plumes. Flora and Fauna. Birds and Buds. I give up.

  7. i am thinking it is a woodpecker of some kind but really have no clue. the flowers are wonderful and i do so love blooms and birds and nature

  8. Love the birds and blooms! That little white flower is especially sweet!

  9. You get the best pictures ever!! These were absolutely awesome! :)

  10. I just received my list of upcoming events in the U.P. So besides all of the opportunities to get out into nature, there are a lot of other fun things to do there too. It would be a good place for a vacation, don't you think?

  11. So small and yet so beautiful.

  12. The photos are all so wonderful. I am glad you have clear skies up there to get such clear wonderful light in your photos.

  13. The Bloodroot blooms on the brown leaves makes for some stunning shots Joan. I love your macros.

    Looks like a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker to me. And a very handsome fellow too.

  14. Bloodroot leaves close up at night or in low light..they curl up around the flowers..very cool. Great photos:)

  15. I also liked your flower and bird photos. Yes, spring is a nice time of year - Dave

  16. Definitely love the daintiness of those white flowers. In the first bird picture, I was noticing the little orange blooms around the bird, and how their color matched the orange on top of his head. C'mon, admit it! You photographed him like that on purpose, right? LOL

    VERY nice photos, Joan. Yes, spring is wonderful, and I'm SO thankful it finally "sprung"!


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