Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wormsloe Park in Savannah Georgia: Part THREE

Please go below this blogpost for Parts ONE and TWO
if you haven't read about Wormsloe State Historic Site in Georgia

Today, I am ending the series with just some nature shots that we got
on the trails in the park.
I was Oooo-ing and Awwww-ing all through our walk
because I found the tropical woods so wondrous.

I was snapping away at everything with my lens.

So grab a mint julip and get your Savannah woods on....

Found a spunky squirrel up in the trees:

I couldn't STOP taking photos of the big oaks full of Spanish moss:

I loved this mossy stump next to the palms:

The palm leaves backlit by the sun:

Everything looked so bright green after the rain and when the sun came out:

Oh gosh...vines AND Spanish was too wonderful:

I just loved the driftwood we saw on the property. I always wondered just how OLD it might have been:

A wonderfully twisted dead tree:

A little black and white drama of the tree!:

Right as we were leaving the park, I heard a familiar tap-tap-tap.
A woodpecker near the Spanish moss!:

One last shot of the wonderfully twisted dead tree:

Next post, I will do the entire post on those gorgeous Oak trees with spanish moss.
Because I just HAVE to share them with everybody.
I HAVE to......


  1. so many beautiful textures in one much to look at did you every move on? smiles.

  2. you captured all the things i would have captured were i with you, i love those trees with moss so much, and twisted woods and stumps, i have 2 folders full of them, and keep on snapping. what a wonderful time you had in this old plantation. waiting on the trees with moss

  3. I love the old twisted tree. It looks great in b/w! I'll have to find the story of spanish moss that I got from SC and share it with you. It's great

  4. You have found some unique places for pictures.

  5. Great pics of the forest life. I loved the B&W tree.

  6. Beautiful, Joan! There are so many wonderful shades and hues to these images.

  7. Thanks for sharing all this beauty.I am enjoying every minute of it.

  8. Wonderful photos. I love photographing trees. We have a few of the Red headed woodpeckers here, one has been quite friendly with me as I put out peanuts and he loves them . I have now named him Charlie , every morning he is at the bowl waiting for me to fill it and squawks as soon as he hears my voice .I did a post with photos of him . Have a great day.

  9. This place you have given us with your photos, must be very fantastic !!!!

  10. The best part of viewing your photos is reading and sharing how excited you get at the sheer beauty of simplistic nature. It just tickles me to pieces. LOL

    Love the photos! Very beautiful!


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