Friday, May 6, 2011

This and That from Florida

Today, I have a mix of random photos I took on our Feb./March trip to Florida.

Put your sunglasses and flip flops on and make a Marguerita and join me, won't  you?

This guy joined us at our hotel on the causeway almost every morning:

Ever seen a one-eyed alligator before?
Well, now you have!:

They always look like they are smiling at you....
I know WHY....
They are sizing you up for a tasty lunch!:

If you notice enough, these guys are everywhere!:

Looking north at Madeira Beach at dusk:

A beautiful coot duck:

The bridge on the way to Brandenton:

A brown and white ibis:

The only cactus we saw in the wild there:

This Northern Girl was very happy to see flowers in February!:

Join me again for some more sunny Florida pictures soon!


  1. How I thoroughly enjoyed your photos Joan! I do so wish we could go someplace tropical right now and get away from these cooler temperatures. Mr. Heron doesn't seem to mind them though as he has made his way back north.

  2. i am barefoot with trifocals on and a cup of coffee, while viewing, will that do? that is a really pretty Ibus, never seen one with those markings. the duck is a common moor hen. LOVE the view from Madeira Beach, we lived 10 minutes from that beach for 5 years. you have shown FL as it is year round. good job

  3. nice cat used to love those little lizards...for breakfast lunch and dinner...ha....they were everywhere...about the only things i dont miss are the palmetto bugs and red ants...

  4. Awesome photos ! Have a great day !

  5. Four weeks to go and I am heading for Florida. Can't wait.

  6. I enjoyed this trip very much! May I have another drink and go through the tour again?

  7. Your pictures are beautiful! I love the bridge!!

  8. That beach is beautiful. I hate alligators though. Florida would not be a good place for me.

  9. Beautiful photos Joan!
    Especially (to me) the first one of the bird. It's a great photo anyway, but the shadow makes it amazing...
    sorry I haven't been around much lately!

  10. It's obvious you enjoyed the trip immensely. I love the sexy pose in the first photo, haha!

  11. A warm sunny feel about these truly beautiful photos. They are so crisp and sharp.

  12. Got my flip flops, sunglasses and I've got to find a beach! Great shot Joan.


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