Thursday, April 14, 2011

This and That from Winter Leftovers!

Today, we go back to "winter" photos
that I still had to share with you.

It was very, very cold on the day I took this:

The sun broke out over Lake Superior then, but it still didn't warm up!:

This little squirrel stayed around all winter, through cold weather. He ran and ran around and up and down the trees. We call him "Psycho Squirrel":

The beginning of the meltdown!
See the drip at the end of the icicle?:

I thought it was so funny that over a period of a few days
the prevailing winds made a bend in the icicle
and made "ice art":

Closeup dripping!:

These Evening Grosbeaks stayed with us all winter:

Icy fingers!:

Doesn't this look like a bony ice finger dripping?:

How about we make it red, like blood?:

Wait, it's not Halloween..
it is almost Spring.
What was I thinking??
(Me thinks I have cabin fever!!)

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  1. yay i love suirrels....that bird looks like a base jumper haha...and that beach looks really cold!

  2. ha ha on the cabin fever and the Orange Ice shot. Love that little bird fluttering his wings, and the ice made me shiver it looks so real. happy spring

  3. All though they are winter photos shuder ! they are still beautiful works of art. Have a wonderful SPRING haha day !

  4. I could almost feel the icey winds! and that grossbeak was a beauty!

  5. Oh my. It does look cold. Please re-pose this in August so the snow pics will cool me down. I love that psycho squirrel. He's cute.

  6. Great shots of winter left overs. Hope it has gone now.

  7. I love all the icicles and that's a great capture of the grosbeak in flight. But of course you know that my favorite is the Psycho Squirrel.

  8. The bird in flight is so lovely and that icicle so chilling!

  9. Oh, that is unfair. Just as I am getting used to the idea that winter might be a thing of the past and global warming might mean there will never be another one again - you go and remind me of it all.

  10. B-r-r-r-r-r! Just looking at those photos and knowing it's Lake Superior in the wintertime made me chilled! lol

    I love the "icy fingers." Great pic. :-)


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