Saturday, April 2, 2011

Here they Are! March's FREE PHOTO CONTEST Entries: Theme: RED

What a wonderful response to our FREE PHOTO CONTEST
this month!

We had a ton of entries*, and that makes me so happy.


The most entries of any contest so far.

March's theme was:


(*If you entered a photo into the contest and do NOT see it listed below, please contact me IMMEDIATELY so that I can repost/correct this post before showing it to my judges.)

Some look a little more PINK than RED, but hey, pink is a derivative of RED, so they were 
gladly accepted in the contest.  Besides, everyone's computer monitors register differently
when it comes to colors, so I decided pink or red was ok!!

So, sit down, concentrate and reallllly look at the RED beauties that we got in our 
contest this time!

This one is from Chery Ann. Her blog is called: "Deep Canyon".

This one is from Cindy B. She does not have a blog.

This one is from Rae. Her blog is called: "The Old Weather Vane".

This one is from Arti. Her blog is called: "My Yatra Diary".

This is from Sharon W. Her blog is called: "Sharon's Paws Create".

This one is from J.J. Her blog is called: "The World According to J.J. in L.A."

This one is from Sandra.  Her blog is called: "Madsnapper".

This one is from DJan. Her blog is called: "D-Janity"

This one is from Bilsot. His blog is called:"Amateur Photographer".

This one is from Nat. Her blog is called: "Just Nat".

This one is from Larry B. He has two blogs. One is called: "Larry's Creative Zone" and the other is called: "Larry's Photo a Day".

This one is from Paz. His blog is called: "Pictures of Ireland".

This one is from "Grandmother". Her blog is called: "Journey into Elderhood".

This one is from Peter F. His blog is called: "White Shadow in the Basement".

 This one is from Valerie B. Her blog is called:" My Girlz Got Paws".

 This one is from GrannyAnn. Her blog is called: the "Ann Tucker Blog".

This is from Curtis T.  His blog is called: "Curtis D. Tucker: That Sneaker Wearing Entrepreneurial Cartoonist Internet Guy"

This one is from Josh H. His blog is called: "Josh"

This one is from Rhonda B. Her blog is called: "Something to Crow About".

This one is from Linda.  Her blog is called: "Linda's Letters."

This one is from Scott P. He does not have a blog.

This one is from Judy. She has two blogs. One is called: "The Road to Here" and the other one is called: "Through Squirrel Eyes".

 This one is from Connie. Her blog is called: "Far Side of Fifty".

 This one is from Lisa C. She does not have a blog.

 This one is from Crazy Chris. She has two blogs. One is called: "Here, There and Everywhere" and the other one is called: "Cris Crossing the Globe".

Can you imagine being a judge THIS month and having to choose only ONE winner?
I am going to have to BEG them to do it for me this time.

And now:
What is the theme for APRIL?????



You do not have to be a blogger to enter.

Just follow THESE RULES
and submit your reflection picture no later than midnight on April 30, 2011.


  1. Oh my... how very RED it all is!!! Those are some gorgeous photos and I really feel bad for your judges!

    It's funny how the dominant theme -after red- seems to be flowers! I wonder if it's a desire we all have for Winter to be truly over and Spring to get here for real! ;o)

    Now, how does one photograph reflections? Good thing we have 30 days to think about it! :p

  2. Oh my goodness, what amazing photography! I can't BELIEVE some of the shots on there. I am especially impressed, awed and in all respects of the word, dumbfounded, by Judy's entry - a pure delight.

  3. nice...lots of spring pics, but enough variety too...really like how scott caught the energy of movement...all very nice...

  4. Wow! Totally amazing photos! I wouldn't want to be a judge!

  5. There are some awe inspiring ones in there, I must say. I sure am glad not to have to judge these!!!

  6. This will be another tough contest to judge. Red is a good color and people did a great job finding it out there.

  7. not only a record breaking number of entries, but a really wide selection of subject matter. the judges will be struggling on this one for sure. i have in my mind the top 3 and will wait to see which one wins. they are all beautiful

  8. What lovely photos! It was a great theme as it turned out.

  9. Oh my, I see some real show-stoppers here. I love seeing all the entries.

  10. Cool! So many entries! It's just so much fun to see what everybody submitted.

  11. Thank God I am not a judge... These are lovely, I think everyone is a winner!!
    Scouting for reflections now...

  12. Wow! Looks like RED was the theme everyone was waiting for Joan, that's a lot of entries.

    All of the photos are amazing, the judges really have their work cut out for them this month. They are all winners in my book.

    I love reflections, can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

  13. Everyone did great and with twenty five entries you would think a couple would be similar..but it just goes to show you how individual we all are! :)

  14. Stunning photos... it's a great theme!

  15. Definitely a vibrant and record breaking month. Djan and I are tulip buddies!

  16. Amazing collection- I wish it didn't take so long for your blog to load, or I'd visit more often... sorry

  17. Wow, enjoyed seeing everyone's RED photos! Now I have some new blogs I have to visit!
    P.S. Have a safe trip - hope the weather behaves for you!!

  18. I'm sooooo glad I entered the contest and I'm not a judge. lol!

  19. Wow the competition is tough. So many really great photos

  20. These are all absolutely beautiful. I'm glad I don't have to judge them! Great job, everyone!

  21. Great shots and a hard job to pick a winner. BTW where can I find the winner?


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