Friday, March 18, 2011

We have a WINNER for the February's FREE PHOTO CONTEST! Theme: Old Barns

Sorry folks for taking so long in announcing 
who won the
February 2011's FREE PHOTO CONTEST !!

I heard from the first judge right away, but our other judges 
really dragged their feet on this one,
so we finally got all the Judge's picks and the majority decision in.

This one was tough, too.

But, we finally picked JUST ONE winner.

Drum roll.....please!!!

The winner is:

Congratulations to LINDA!!!!!
Her blog is called: "Linda's Letters".

The judges that chose the winner stated it was very creative and a good capture of another artist admiring the same view.

Linda, please leave in the comment section a little more about your winning photo for us, okay?

Honorable mentions also go to:

Thanks to all my judges!! I know how hard it is to pick your No. one favorite and even to pick your second favorite!!! I appreciate your time so much. 
Go out there and find your March 2011 FREE PHOTO CONTEST 

The theme is:



  1. ah great the colors and the painter....have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Congratulations to Linda! This is a very spectacular photo. She's going to have to expand her sidebar with all the contests she's winning. Love it!

  3. Thank you, Joan, judges, and fellow contestants!
    This photo was taken April 2009 in the Skagit Valley in northwestern Washington State. This beautiful agricultural valley is famous for its blub growing and each April they hold the Tulip Festival. It is a sight to behold, as rainbows of color line the fields and visitors can get up close and personal. Many photographers and artists take advantage of the colorful display, and this old barn gets captured often.

  4. Congrats to Linda... it's a fab photo!
    Thanks for the honorable mention :-)

  5. Good combo; the barn with someone painting with someone taking BOTH of their photos!

  6. Nice picture--but to me, the emphasis was on the tulips and not the barn. Oh Well.. Bet you are glad I wasn't a judge.... ha ha

    P.S. It really is an amazing picture. Congrats to Linda.

  7. Nice photo and a fresh perspective on barns - thanks and congrats.

  8. Congrats to the winner and the honorable mentions! All great photos!

  9. Conratulation to Linda!! Beautiful photo. and thank you for the honorable mention!!
    Mistaya (Gail)

  10. A worthy winner : and a big thank you to you for bringing together all these fine photographs and photographers.

  11. I love pictures like this one. Capturing the other artist is a thing I'm a big fan of. And the picture even by itself is definitely a winner.

  12. Nice contest and winner looks good to me as well.

  13. Congratulaions to Linda! Yes, that is a beautiful picture!

  14. Congrats to Linda! I didn't realize she was from here in WA, waving to you Linda.

  15. Great photo Linda, I would love to go see this place some day.

  16. Beautiful photo. thanks for the honorable mention! And thanks for hosting these fun contests. I somehow missed March all together but I will be back. this is too fun to miss out on. I love seeing all the pictures.


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