Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dog Sled Races: Part THREE

If you missed Part One and Part Two
of my U.P. 200 Dog Sled Race in Marquette, Michigan,
just drop down below this blog post to read the other two!

The time FINALLY came for the first dog sled team to line up
ready for the race.

The dogs' yelps got even louder, they were SO EXCITED!!!

Here are all the dog handlers getting the first team lined up at the starting line.
The start is BEHIND the dogs, where the dog sledder is inside his sleigh, attached to the team:

The handlers check all the dog lines to make sure none are all tangled up and that they are lined up
correctly and ready to GO!:

Just LOOK at those dogs straining at the ropes, anxious to GO!:

My camera's batteries did NOT like the cold
in that
when I wanted to use the fast shutter to "freeze frame"
action shots....
Well, let's just say

NO way!, it said.

(They have always been on the bratty side).

So, I just took regular shots and they blurred.

Sometimes though, in a way, they are kind of cool to "blur the action" to capture action movement.
(That is my story, and I'm sticking to it!):

(see their little booties?)



(What do you MEAN, you didn't see them run by?  What is wrong with you???)


I'll run it by you ONE MORE TIME!

But, this time: PAY ATTENTION!!



Wasn't that MUSHER hawt?????



You didn't see the MUSHER???

Because I am a patient woman, I will do it ONE LAST TIME.




You know. I just won't be able to bring you along to any more dog sled races if you can't
keep up.

Next year, make sure you bring your fast-speed eyes with you, okay?


And remember to bring your favorite fur HAT.

Because we are going to have such FUN!


  1. I think the blurred action works ever so well, giving a very real feeling of movement and action.

  2. You are very funny, Joan! Nice photos.

  3. I'm laughing.OK,so I'm not the swiftest,but I did see those dog take off.Talk of being eager to get going.

  4. these are fantastic, i like the blurred action shots, it makes them look fast and furious... I feel like I was there, i even heard the GO. the dogs are to funny, they look like they are soooo ready to gooooo, come on, get with it. the one looking over his shoulder is saying to the mush master, welllll what are you doing back there. great post. now i have seen a sled race

  5. You're photos of this event are amazing. You've captured the flavor and excitement perfectly!

  6. What a race..!!!!
    Great captures

  7. I'll keep up next year! I promise!

    This was great! Thanks for taking me to an event I doubt I'll ever get to in "real" life!

  8. Ha! Ha! Loved this post Joan!! Brrrr! It probably does feel like Alaska up there..ha! I like the blurred shots.

  9. I had to read this adventure from the beginning. Now I may have to go back and scan the crowds for familiar faces. I think many of those dogs are actually an American breed of husky, just not the Siberians we associate with the husky term.
    I've been to sled dog demos but never an actual race. Sitting here in relative warmth is more my choice. You made it very exciting.

  10. You're too funny. I don't think it was your battery protesting. Your camera probably just knew that it was too dark for a fast shutter speed. It wouldn't have allowed enough light in had you insisted, and your photos would have been dark. You made such a fun series of photos out of the experience though.

  11. That was a most enjoyable visit. My brother in Wisconsin just went to a UPer party. Sounded like a great time.

  12. Oh, what a delightful post - made me laugh out loud!

  13. Whew! How exciting! I felt the thrill of the race! I could see the dogs excitement! How cool is that. I also needed some hot chocolate for sure!!
    Congrats on your POTW award

  14. I agree, the blurring increases the image of excitement. Great stories and Congratulations on a POTW mention over at The Smitten Image.

  15. I got the blur with another camera and never did figure out how I did it.

  16. Ok... it took me a second look, but I got it. Very funny and creative use of your shots. Well done and congratulations on your potw.

  17. Although it looks VERY cold, this race looks like it was a blast to watch. Love the funky battery effects on the pics. And, dog booties? Who knew!
    Congrats on your POTW from Hilary.
    Cheers, jj

  18. You did great even with a half frozen camera! It looks like a wonderful event to attend! Thanks for sharing!
    I just emailed you a red photo:)

  19. Informative, thrilling, and funny as all get out! Just shows how you can take what you view as mistakes and make successes of them.

    Congrat on POTW!

    PS - I loved the little booties on their feet!

  20. I love your action shots and your narration just about had me on the floor laughing.


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