Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Breakers and Birds!!

Today, we are going back to some winter photographs
for a little change of pace.
I didn't want to forget to post them with Spring breathing down our necks.
(And I want to thanks Spring for doing that!!)

So, today I went with two themes---
Wave breakers

On a cold and windy day, I stopped by my favorite spot in Marquette, Michigan:

There were waves breaking in the wind as they rolled in.

I was glad I did:

Ice and waves! BRRRrrrr:

I loved how the waves where being misted by the hard winds that day:

Cold white caps:

Now, go get a warm cup of coffee or hot chocolate to warm up before we go on.

It's ok.

I'll wait.......

Back?, this will help you feel better, even though they are still winter shots.

These guys always brighten my day.

And, their bright yellow always warms my heart:
Evening Grosbeaks!!

"You must have cabin fever...don't you have anything better to do than to hang out by the window,
invading our dinner privacy?"

"Oh...and wash your windows ,will you??":

"I'm OUT of here!"

What is nice this time of year
is that
we have a variety of birds that stop by all at once.

Doves, Bluejays, evening grosbeaks, woodpeckers, juncos, sparrows....

If you look in the tree of evening grosbeaks,
you can see a dove in the background:

"So, like...are you DONE YET with the pictures?":

I guess I AM!..............................................................................


  1. wow they are having quite teh party at your all their colors...and i can just hear the roar of the breakers...

  2. The grosbeaks are lovely and I laughed at your commentary! I'm so glad for spring, though!

  3. Ha! They do look like they are saying just what you said!!

  4. Love seeing the birds especially at your feeder. Always in my heart and prayers....:-)Hugs

  5. i got way to cold looking at frozen waves, even thought they are beautiful. so happy to scroll down and find those beautiful, brilliant yellow birds. i have never seen these before and they have such personality. love that bird hotel shot, with lots of guest hanging out.

  6. OH! I just want to get one stinkin' picture of a bird like that! I am insanely jealous!! These pictures are great!

  7. Wonderful photos as ususal! Have a good day !

  8. Amazing photos again. The water looks soooooo cold! That last photo is precious!

  9. Love those Grosbeaks, Joan. We don't have them --but we do get the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks a couple of times a year when they are migrating...

    Do me a huge favor sometime... Go through your photos and post a picture of that lighthouse/area in all four seasons... Wouldn't that be awesome???? Thanks.

  10. Both sets of pictures are stunning.The Grosbeaks are bright and cheery.

  11. Oh such wonderful photos.. the rolling waves and those incredible closeups.. too wonderful.

  12. Too funny that the Grosbeaks look like they're saying exactly what you typed. LOL Wonderful pics, as always.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: